Tuesday, March 31, 2009


“Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” (Luke 21:26)

Many things are happening in the world scene right now. Diseases, new and old, are beginning to run wild all over the planet. Crime and suicide are at their highest levels ever. Earthquakes, new volcanoes, and the ever worsening troubled economy. It seems as though our leaders are scrambling for some hope, or answer to fix it all. To have one’s eyes on all these events will make one very depressed and fearful

Even on the church scene, there are the symptoms of the same chaos and trouble. Pastors are leaving churches, over being caught in adulterous affairs. Church shootings are on the rise. And it seems the leaders here are scratching their heads in fear and doubt. But if you are a praying, bible reading child of God, these things are not a question mark to you.

Jesus warned us as these things came upon the earth, not to be troubled or afraid. He did warn us how to handle the situation. The verse of scripture today deals with hearts failing in fear of watching what is and will happen as Jesus draws closer to his return. This means all that get caught up looking at what is going on will only be depressed, afraid and eventually shipwrecked in their faith. The only way to steer clear of fear and worry is this; look up!

He told us; “look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:28). You must not focus on what is going on, but WHO is coming. You must keep your eyes fixed on the sky, waiting and anticipating that this could be the day. Jesus promised he would return, he would come and get his faithful children. He will do what he promised! Keep your eyes on the skies today beloved, and don’t take them off anymore. The world will only get worse, but that only means we are just about ready to hear that trumpet blast! Start looking today, he is coming soon!

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