Sunday, January 19, 2014

Who are these people called, "THE REMNANT?"


Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah. (Isaiah 1:9)

We here at Cry of the Watchmen ministries have been proclaiming that the last days are upon us. With many infallible proofs, we have shown you that the beginning of the end is near and all things are prepared. Let me stop here and say this, I pray that you are taking heed to these warnings and preparing your heart and relationship with Christ to be ready when He comes. There is only one shot to get in to this thing called "The Rapture", I pray that you do whatever it takes to make it in, and not get left behind.

One of the the evident signs we have shown you is the cycle of the Remnant. God has always used this "cycle of the Remnant" when he has needed to start over. All through the word of God we see, when the ruling body of leaders for God's people had failed, that he had a small seed of people who did not become backslidden, corrupt and rebellious as the leaders had become. They did not turn a deaf, self-centered ear to the cries of the Holy Ghost warnings. They prepared themselves to have, and keep, a heart to love the Lord with all their soul, and follow him all the way, even to death.

The cycle would go something like this. The leaders and religious institution of the time would become corrupt through selfishness. They became greedy for money and fine things. They became drunk with the power and position to command the people, till they became legalistic tyrants. They stopped warning and preaching on sin. Soon, there became no difference in appearance between God's leaders on the earth, and the sinful, lustful kings of the world. This is when the warnings of Judgment began.

These leaders had lost the annointing and the ability to hear the voice of God. So then God would raise up watchmen, a Jeremiah or Elijah, to warn and proclaim repentance. But other than the one instance of the story of Nineveh, (Jonah chapter 3), these leaders would not listen or take heed. Because of this, God would begin to judge and destroy the ruling institution and its leaders. This would be a very depressing situation, if not for this one fact. That is, GOD ALWAYS HAS A SEED! Even before the leadership became corrupt, He had a remnant. Even before the institution became backslidden, selfish and corrupt, He had a remnant. Long before the ruling chuch body lost it's way and ear to hear, God had been building and preparing a people to carry on.

I suggest you read your Bible, dust off it's unused pages and turn to the scriptures I am about to give you as proof, that the cycle I am showing you here is true:

Isaiah 1:9 - 4:3 - 11:16 - 37:4

Jeremiah 6:9 - 23:3 - 31:7

Ezekiel 14:22

Micah 2:12

Zephaniah 2:9

Romans 9:27 - 11:5
These are just few of the many times God had judged a ruling body, or ruling institution of the time, and brought forth the Remnant, and it's leaders, to take center stage and shepherd God's will on the earth. Many times this transition occurs while the judged, broken leadership is still alive. We are NOW headed into that very same era. This is the reason I am writing this teaching to you.

Just as Elijah and the prophets on Mt. Carmel, Jeremiah, and the false prophets of the King, we begin to see two voices crying in the wilderness. Two proclaimations begin to fight each other in a showdown. One is God's word now being spoken through a Remnant leader, while the other is the corrupt, self centered rantings of a lost leadership still looking to hold control of their position and people. You, dear reader, need to know how to recognize what a Remnant and its leader looks like. Because to follow the other will only lead you to gates of Hell.

You, dear reader, must understand that, not only are we living in the last days, but we are watching a transition occur. Before your very eyes, a switch of leadership is happening. The very church institutions that you have grown up with have been judged and declared dead and powerless due to leaders who refuse to repent and turn back to God. Now, therefore, God is raising up voices in the wilderness who look not like the regular "preacher" with a message to, "Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand!". These leaders are proclaiming a message in direct opposition to what you hear in churches, on TV and radio today. They look like they have just been spewed out of the mouth of a whale. They smell like one just coming out of the wilderness with dirty, tattered clothes. And dear reader, God sends these types leaders so that the glory and the excellency of his power will be to his glory only, and no one else.

In this series, "The Remnant", just as we have explained the cycle, we will explore the three other topics to understanding who these people are, and what they have to say. We will explore such topics as:
  • The transition
  • The message
  • The Remnant (who exactly they are)
      I pray you read and study the entire series as we explore the "The Remnant", who they are and what they have to say. Dear reader, your very life depends on the hearing and recieving of this message today.

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