Thursday, November 15, 2012


And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven: And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? (Acts 9: 3-4)

We now come to the last key in this series. We have been warning you of an unleashing of supernatural fear and terror coming on this earth. This fear being brought on by spirits from Hell, is not something made from man, nor can man’s strength combat against it. And it is coming as part of a last ditch effort by Satan to destroy as much of the bride of Christ as he can, in these last days.

In our scripture today, we see another example of fear and terror, but this one is the good kind. Saul of Tarsus was on his way to Damascus, with letters from the religious leaders in Jerusalem, giving him authority to destroy this new extremist group called Christians. En route to the city, a sudden burst of light knocks him off his horse to the ground, and there he has his first encounter with the one he was trying to destroy, Jesus Christ. In trembling fear he calls out to the Lord, and receives what we can call; HIS OWN PERSONAL WORD from the Creator of the Universe.

By now you should know I am talking about the conversion of Paul the Apostle. And if you are a follower of his life and teachings, you also know Paul never got over that Damascus road experience. It changed his life, even to the point of changing his name, forever. In all his epistles, this event is there, whether lurking behind the scenes, or in plain language, that personal experience with Christ not only changed him, at that point in his life, it also drove him forward everyday thereafter. It motivated him to endure shipwrecks, snakebites, beatings and caused him to preach Christ all over the known world of the time.

Beloved, this is the prime example of the difference in the “personal word” from God we have been begging you to get, and some word from a Pastor, book or televangelist. This “personal word” is not the same word you got 20 years ago, that you have been holding on to like an exhibit in a museum. That word doesn’t move you anymore. The word from God we are talking about wakes you up in the middle of the night, driving you forward thru the day, causing you to sleep thinking about God, living thru the day like he could come at any minute. This word not only strengthens you in trials and troubles, but propels you thru them because your spirit is strong and your heart burns to pursue him like a thirsty deer looking for water.

Again, this word is just for you, personalized from Jesus Christ because you have been in prayer receiving it in his presence. It is not a random promise you pulled from the Bible because you like that one. It is a word from God himself to you. And it is made up of God speaking to your soul like this; “(insert your name here) – be strong and of a good courage, I am with thee - (insert your name here), I will not fail thee nor forsake thee”. God is alive and well, and he still speaks today. He speaks thru his word and directly into your soul with a still small voice by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Can you honestly say, today, you carry such a word in your soul? Does it drive you forward to pursue God every day, no matter what comes your way? Dear saint, please, no cost is too great to seek God for this “personal word”. It is the only thing that will save your soul and your sanity from the sudden (supernatural) terror that is coming.

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