Thursday, November 15, 2012


“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” (Joshua 1:9)

In the last devotional, we warned you about a coming terror so great, so powerful you will not be able to stand it. Satan, knowing his time is short, is throwing everything at the children of God to stop them. This fear is supernatural. It is not anything made from man, nor can man’s strength fight it. And Satan knows fear and worry breed doubt and unbelief, therefore stopping you from doing anything or getting anything from God. It is designed to cut off all your abilities from working, and cut off your lifeline from God.

This devotional will be centered on the key, THE ONLY KEY, to fight it. We can find our first example in the book of Joshua. Joshua, as you remember, was the sidekick to Moses in the wilderness. He was with him on Mt. Sinai when God was there; he was one of two spies that actually believed God could deliver the land of Canaan. And in our passage today we find him in paralyzing fear. Moses has just died, and he is standing there, without the leader he has leaned on for forty years. I can hear him saying; “what am I to do now?” But God came to him with a word, A PERSONAL WORD, just for him. And this personal word rebuked all fear in his mind. I could see as God spoke a promise to him, all terror and worry melting away like butter. God told him that he would always be with him, to be strong and full of courage, as he was with Moses, in all that power and glory, he would be with him, leading him all the way.

Do you see the key beloved? What will cause you to make it thru this mind boggling terror, this supernatural fear that screams in your mind, is a personal word just for you. This is why your Pastor’s god he speaks about will not deliver you. A televangelist or book will not bring your mind back to sanity. It will be you, getting into Jesus’ presence on your own, and him speaking a word, a promise, just for you. This was what Joshua leaned on as he battled for the land of Israel. This word is your only key to rebuking the terror.

Hurry, get in his presence now, don’t wait a second longer. The supernatural terror is on its way. It could happen at any minute. This world is reeling ever closer to the end, and Jesus’ return. Things are happening at light speed. Get your word, your promise from God now!

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