Sunday, January 19, 2014

Who are these people called, "THE REMNANT?" (Goliath warning)

And the Philistine said, I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together... (1 Samuel 1:10) 

We must stop a moment and insert a warning here. In this series, "The Remnant", as we expound to you the cycle God uses to judge and redeem a people who will serve him, I must give you this truth. Goliath is coming!

Goliath is coming! And he is coming for you!

You see, God does something very wonderful in the midst of this "cycle of the Remnant". While judging the corrupt, backslidden, manmade institiutions that will not repent, he brings up the remnant leader to take charge. And while these two are in a showdown, if you will, God at the same time is gathering a group of believers who will follow this remnant leader. These often ragtag, misfits of society, hear the message of this remnant leader, and follow him. God, in his infinite wisdom, uses this misfit team as a mighty army in these last days that walk in the power of his resurrection, and not afraid to fellowship in his sufferings.

As this remnant leader and group charge forth, God again orchestrates a plan. Instead of sending this team to preach on TV, Radio or the Internet, he sends them straight to a place called the valley of Elah. As you should know, Elah is the valley in Isreal where King Saul and his army faced off against the Phillistines and the giant Goliath. For forty days, the evil giant taunted, tortured and verbally abused this, God's army, with no response. Let's put it this way, the manmade institution and leader (Saul and his reign) had not the courage, the means, or the answer to defeat the devil's man. It wasn't until David came to the valley that hope had finally showed up! David, now maybe 16 years of age, saw the army of God quivering in fear and at a stand still. This does not sit well with a remnant leader.

Briefly, the Remnant leaders, (The David's) have a call on their life to stand and face the giants in Elah. They are charged with a clarion call that pushes them to the valley, and stand against the Sauls and Goliaths of this world. Dear reader, you must understand this principle, if you follow David, you will face Goliath. If you want to join the last days army, and be on the Rapture ready side, you must face the giant. Goliath, is coming!

Goliath, in this instance, is used by our Lord to do two specific things. One, he is used to judge and destroy the failing, manmade institutions today. You see, Golaith, in essence, will be problems the churches today cannot handle. Situations, problems with perplexity, will arise that these misguided and false leaders will have no answer for. Also, just as the prophets of Baal for Elijah, they will call on God, whom they do not know and have no answer to give, and no power or annointing to help the troubled believer through. To continue to stand with Saul ( today's church), is asking to never leave Elah. You will die in your valley.

Two, the giant also represents the next level for the remnant follower. To the believer who will follow David, Goliath, in essence, is THE THING that you fear the most. He is the thing your afraid to talk to God about in prayer. He is that besetting sin you can't stop, and your afraid you will never be free. He is that thing that whispers, "you know God can do it, but will he do it - for you?". Understand, God wants to build an army in these last days. Gone are the times of "wishy, washy" pew sitters with no relationship to God or any backbone in hard times. God is building a people who are truly free from fear, torment and bondage. They will be a people like the three Hebrew children, not afraid to go through it, and never will they bow to it. This only comes by the power of the Holy Ghost (Romans 8:1). To do this dear reader, you must follow David, and you MUST face the giant. To run away is defeat, and to bow is spiritual death.

Goliath is coming!

You are headed to the valley of Elah!

Saul, (the present day church) has no answers for you!

But, there is good news. God has already annointed the last day leaders to stand and defeat the giant. He will be with you to defeat the giant in your life. You will overcome because our high priest, Jesus Christ, overcame and has all power over every giant the devil could ever throw at you. Now comes the time to put "crazy trust" in God. Now is the time to have "crazy faith" in his promises. What I mean by that statement is this. Now you must put faith in him when it doesn't make sense too. You must make a decision, today, to blindly trust him when your flesh says you should not. Believe the words and instructions God has given this ministry to give you, and follow them. Remember, that day the giant was destined to fall. The rock that smashed his skull in was already planted in the brook, waiting for david to get there. What you need to defeat the giant in you life has already been waiting for you, his name is Jesus. Call on him today and he will answer.

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