Monday, January 18, 2010


1.) Reading God's Word -

"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." - Romans 10:17.

In order to "know" God - communicate with Him - and build a storehouse He will dwell in, one must first know His language. For example, someone may live near people of another nationality, such as Hispanics, and be close enough to hear an Hispanic group conversing in the Spanish language - but if that person does not "know" the language; he/she may hear the words being spoken, but will not be able to understand or gain knowledge/instruction from it. The same holds true for the believer. Many Christians today do not "hear" the voice of God simply because they do not know His language! God speaks in the language of the Bible!

If one truly wants communion and fellowship with God, he/she will read His word! Let Watchmen be frank and concise - if the only time someone reads the Bible is at church - that person is not a true disciple of Jesus and will not survive or "endure till the end"! Many believers today are easily deceived and tempted by Satan simply because they do not know God's word. Remember, the word of God is our sword! (Ephesians 6:17) - without it, you are weaponless and no threat to Satan!

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." - 2 Timothy 2:15.

There are several ways to read and study God's word, but the two most productive ones are "saturation" and "meditation".

Saturation - First, make sure it is a good study Bible - preferably King James Version, as in most other versions are inaccurate and corrupt. Today's world is one of technology and innovation - we have the whole Bible on cassette, CD, video, and even mp3 - so, take advantage of every opportunity and moment you have - as you work, prepare meals, clean the house, drive, walk, relax - fill your mind with God's word.

The object of "saturation" is not to concentrate on a small amount/one chapter; but to inundate/flood/saturate your mind. The human mind has been blessed by God with the ability to record every second of life - every sight, sound, taste, touch, smell, etc. Filling your mind with His word will create a protective barrier and fortress against the enemy and his attacks - furthermore, "as a man thinks in his heart(mind), so is he." (Proverbs 23:7). Basically stated, "Garbage in....garbage out."

Meditation - This is where you take a small amount of scripture and really consume it, digest it, dwell on it. Whether it is a chapter/verse you are wanting to understand more/better; or you are "led" to a particular part of the Bible and the Holy Spirit has something in mind that He wants to teach you - show you - reveal more about God through it to you - this is where you will discover, with the help of the Holy Spirit, the "secret riches" and "hidden manna" of God. This will begin to give you "ears to hear" when God speaks the "intimate" things about Himself to you. You will also have more powerful weapons of warfare with which to engage the enemy!

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