Thursday, January 21, 2010


Eliminate all the distractions -

"And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed." - Mark 1:35.

Consider the following question....How can one be intimate with his/her spouse unless the two are alone? Oh, yes....there are those who pervert themselves and share those things meant for privacy in front of others or for all the world to see - but this is not true romance - not true intimacy. If a believer would make a honest effort to pursue intimate fellowship with God, he/she must take those steps needful to remove the get alone with God.

No one can truly study God's word in front of a television. No one can truly pray in the middle of a public place and expect to reach God in an effective way. It takes effort and determination on the part of a believer whose desire is to discover the "secret riches" and "hidden" glory of God. "Hidden" glory? Oh, yes, beloved....the "hidden" glory of God - not hidden "from" us - but "for" us...and for Him. (Matthew 13:44) And only those who truly seek Him will find out how breath-takingly beautiful our God is....and what a tender lover He is.

Is that something you desire? Then take the time to consecrate a place....dedicate a meet with God! Without being able to fully explain it, meeting with God regularly at a specific time/place honors Him. At first, the enemy will attempt to discourage this from happening - the phone will continuously ring, people who never call or visit will suddenly beat a path to your door, problems will arise - constant "distractions" that seem to be "coincidental" will actually be Satan's efforts to stop you from dedicating a time/place to God.

But when God sees your determination, He will move on your behalf for this purpose. Soon you will discover with delight that God yearns to spend time with you just as much, if not more, than you do. Soon, you will go to the "secret place" at the "appointed time" and find Him already there....waiting for you!

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