Thursday, May 28, 2009


“But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them”. (Matthew 13:29)

You need to read this whole chapter in Matthew. But basically, Jesus gave us a parable here of a sower (Jesus) who plowed up a field (the world) and planted good seed in it (man in his original sinless state). The Bible then records that the enemy (Satan) came in and sowed something called a tare, this is what I want to focus on here.

If you read further, Jesus explains this parable in plain English. Something happened to the field while the good seed was planted. Satan came in and sowed tares, (children of the devil himself, see verse 38). Think about that statement! Satan actually came in to the field and corrupted the good seed God planted first. Now, there are many theories as to how the tare was introduced, but lets stay simple here. Whatever it was, a tare is something that caused the sinless state of the seed to become sinful, it corrupted the uncorrupted seed. And that sinful, ungodly seed produced a race of human beings that were the offspring or children of Satan himself.

And just as the children of God hear the voice of God, for Jesus said my sheep (children) know my voice, these tares only know and can only hear the voice of their father, the devil. Just as children, who have been birthed by the Holy Ghost, say and act like their father, these children of the devil can only do and say what they have been given them by their father. These tares cannot hear when the voice of God speaks. They get nothing out of the Bible, actually they despise God’s word. They cannot follow the leading of the Spirit of God, they have only the “anti-spirit” of demons and devils to guide them. Just as you inherit traits genetically from your parents, because you were conceived by them, so it works in the spiritual realm as well. How powerful this parable is in revealing this truth, but sadly many people and preachers do not understand this.

This brings me to my question to you for this parable ends with something called “The Harvest” (verse 39). In case you don’t understand, this harvest means the end of the world, when Christ returns to set up his eternal kingdom. The end of the wheat is eternal life with him never to hurt or die anymore. The end of the tares is one of bundling up all like tares and sending them to a burning furnace (The Lake of Fire). This is why I must ask you, which one are you? does God’s spirit burn within your soul? Do you love his word, and walk everyday faithfully according to his commands? Does Jesus’ return thrill your soul or is it something you really don’t want right now? Do you hear his voice speak to your soul, or are the only things on your mind one of selfish desire?

I beg you reader, whom ever is looking at this, you know where you stand. Here is one way to check what you are. If what you just read bothers you, makes you begin to call on Jesus to search you, then welcome my brother wheat. If you don’t care, I suggest you worry, you might be a tare. Call on Jesus before the Harvest time, it will be to late to change then.

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