Tuesday, May 26, 2009


All religions believe they have the truth to eternity. All of them offer a way to enter into some type of “Heaven” where rewards are dealt to those who qualify. The terrorists who bombed the World Trade Towers believed they were going straight to heaven because of the brave act they were doing, destroying the infidel America. My question is this; what is truth? What separates us from all religions of the world?

The answer to this question is very simple. The answer has become the focus of all the attacks that we as Christians will ever face. If it were not for this answer, we could get along with all cults and world religions, we could find common ground to worship together, build churches together, and say we all will be there in this “Heaven”. But this answer is the reason we cannot all be brothers. This is why Muslims, Orthodox Jews, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons hate you. The answer is why you cannot walk arm and arm together and compromise to find common ground.


Jesus is the focus for all that happened in the Old Testament. He is what founded and began the New Testament and the first church on the day of Pentecost. Not only was he just a “good man”, he was the son of God. Not only was he a “great prophet”, he was God manifested in the flesh (John 1:1). All the power the church has at its disposal, to claim healing, deliverance from Demons, and the gift of salvation from hell is bound up in the name of Jesus. This is what separates us from all other religions. The “church” is not the way to eternal life, Buddha is not the way, and the Mormon Church is not the way! You cannot ride enough bicycles in white shirts to ever gain heaven as your home! Salvation was and is a gift, given freely to all who will believe on God who came and entered his own creation, Jesus Christ.

Here is real truth: anything that puts Jesus Christ at the center, places him as God manifested in flesh, and worships him alone, is truth. Anything else that lifts up a man, an angel, or a preacher is false, and of the Devil. It will lead you down a road called Hell, forever to be in burning in torment! Any miracle that does not lift up Jesus, as the author of said miracle, is a supernatural work of Satan. You cannot get to heaven because Joel Osteen says you will, only because Jesus Christ says you are in my book of Life! Where are you with him today? Is he some cerebral point of view to argue? Is he some historical figure who lived like Mother Teresa, or is he God, second person of the trinity, who saved your soul? Reach out to him today, whatever you have done or been apart of, he will forgive and accept you into his family. Take him now while you still can.

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