Wednesday, May 27, 2009


In our last devotional, we talked about truth. And we here at watchmen ministries gave you the ultimate truth. This truth should be the foundation and basis for everything that has to do with your walk with God. Jesus Christ. I want to explore one facet that this God/man, Jesus, gave us.

If you believe Jesus Christ to be absolute truth, then you must believe he speaks and gives absolute truth. Either every single word he said was truth, or he was a liar and we can believe nothing he said. I am going to assume, for now, that you believe the first proposition. One truth Jesus gave us was the truth of an enemy. There is someone who desires, wants, and needs to see you fail. He wants to kill you, your family, your friends, your finances, your health, your happiness. And not only that, he wants to see you burn in an eternal Hell with him, forever. He will stop at nothing; he will go to any lengths to try to make that happen to you.

I am tired of preachers and churches who proclaim Satan is not real. I am tired of hearing TV preachers make the Devil out to be nothing more than some “ghostly fog” whom you should not worry about. We have taught our children today to dismiss Satan as nothing but some fairy tale that is not real. Here is some real truth for today……


In case you have not realized this yet, when you are born into this world you enter WAR! This life is not meant for you to get saved, and then try to find heaven here on earth. Our mistake many times is we try to find some peaceful Eden where we can dance around barefoot in the Lilly fields, blowing dandelions in the wind and not have a care to worry about. Beloved, you will never find this false euphoria down here. While you try to find that, Satan will come in and kill your children, your family and your walk with God. Then when that happens, and it will, you will find yourself mad at God and questioning why this happens to you. Jesus warned us to “be sober, be vigilant, for your (enemy) the Devil walks about, looking for someone he can destroy”.

Wake up saint of God. You are at war for your children, for your church, for you family. This war is to the death and only stops when you leave this world behind in death. It doesn’t matter whether President Obama believes in Satan, nor does it matter if your Pastor says he’s not real. He still lives. But thanks be to God, that Jesus Christ came and destroyed the power of Satan that kept us all in prison. Thru him we can be made free. And whom the Son sets free, is free indeed.

Let us hear the word of the Lord in this last day: “to all who read this watch, be not ignorant of Satan’s devices. But I have come to give you power over all the Enemy”.
Trust in Jesus’ power. Live in his protection everyday. You don’t have to fear Satan if you stay living on the winning side, Jesus.

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