Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Who are these people called, "THE REMNANT?" ( THE MESSAGE)

"In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight." (Matthew 3: 1-3)
In this chapter, we will explore, "the message" of the Remnant leader. Let us quickly review what we have learned up till now. It is very important that you recieve, and remember, what this series is opening your eyes too.
We have learned:
  • that God uses the "Cycle of the Remnant" to bring back broken, rebellious leadership and people to restoration
  • That God will raise "David" remnant leaders to stand and oppose the "Saul" leaders of the church world today.
  • That David's calling will send you, the follower, striaght to the valley of Elah, and showdown with Goliath.
  • That the showdown between "David and Saul" will happen before your eyes, and you must choose who you will follow.
We have learned much through these chapters. Now we come to point where I must show you the message that the leader of the Remnant believers, carries. As stated in the previous chapter THE TRANSITON, You will tell the difference between the fallen "Saul" preachers and the remnant "David" leaders by their message, and lifestyle of compromise.
Let us begin THE MESSAGE by seperating, and breaking down, both "Saul" and "David's" words that you may know the difference.
 The "Saul" ministers will never preach on sin. Never a word is mentioned, in their many "marshmallow" messages of the dangers of sin and to stay away from it. Never a warning comes from the pulpit of these wolves in preachers clothing about holiness, righteousness and devotion of body and soul to the living saviour. Their messages are one that ultimately brings glory and honor to themselves. And, one that is a "Toys R Us" shopping spree in the kingdom of God that says, "You can have it all now, take it! and worry not of any dangers". Saul leaders have no answer or power to help you overcome the "Goliath" in your life. When Satan sends his champion Goliath, these leaders fold in fear, and studder for a reason why things are happening.
Let me give you some points to look for to recognize a powerless, "Saul" church leader: 
  • they preach a message of wealth. they only minister to you, when you pay them too.
  • they preach a message of compromise. All denominations lead to God, everybody has some truth that will get you into Heaven.
  • They preach a self-help gospel. It's all about you, and what you can do to make "you" better, in the shape you are in. Because that's what God is into.
  • They never preach on Sin, at anytime. They do not preach on the eternal dangers of Backslidding. There is no need of repentance in prayer for sin. It is all about how blessed you are, all the time.
  • The Father God, and Jesus Christ, are preached as mostly powerful "Genies", that with the right wording, and faith in your commanding them, you can get rich, get what you want, and by-pass all trials of life.
  • There is no talk, or allowance to move, of the third person in the Trinity, the HOLY GHOST. The gifts and baptism mentioned in ACTS and 1 Corinthians 12 are not real, and not for today.
  • There is no push for the believer to make a personal connection with Jesus Christ, radically making him your Lord and Lover, as in the Song of Solomon. Only on total dependancy on them to preach you the word, and never miss coming to there church, so you can pay your tithes there.
Beloved, I could go much deeper and complex, but essentially, you have enough. These "Saul" leaders messages will contain one, or more, of the points mentioned above. Their message of "Hybrid" poison will not flash, DO NOT LISTEN, THIS IS POISON, at you. But, interwoven in their messages are the lies mentioned above. If you are a true believer in Christ, it is easy to spot the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, or any cult of that nature a mile away. But it is the contemporay, denominational leader of today, spreading his message of "HYBRID TRUTH", that traps your soul down a road to Hell.
Let me explain the definition of "HYBRID" truth here. The "Saul" denominational leaders of today use a very subtle, but effective, poison. They will mix a little truth, from the word of God, with one of these points above, twisting the scripture to fit there denominational lie. It will sound right, look good and smell like it should, to an undescerning believer. But, it is poison, that centers on you, instead of Jesus. Listen to the warning of the Apostle Paul :
 "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron."
(1 Timothy 4: 1-2).
 My brother Jude, in his small, but powerful, letter wrote this warning of these coming apostate, rebellious leaders:
 "But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit."
(Jude 1: 17-19).
Here we see the prophecy, that false, or backslidden, leaders would arise. They would seperate themselves from the Holy Ghost of God, and the truth of the word of God, to bring "Doctrines of Devils", or Hybrid Truths. That means just a little truth, mixed with poisonous lies, to damn your soul to Hell.
Beloved, I have but one instruction for you. RUN! Run for your eternal life!
If your chruch, or leader, has been guilty of this, or if the precious spirit of God is convicting you right now of this trap, leave. Do not rebel against this warning. Find you a Remnant leader, right now. Let me show you how to spot a "David".
Remember our scripture reference at the beginning of this message? John the Baptist (not a denominational reference, just what he did, baptise), was coming out of the wilderness on fire of the Holy Ghost with a message. His message has been preached many ways, with many meanings and some very wrong. But, essentially, it was this:
John's message was to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus Christ. That meant telling all of that generation to first:
  • Repent (turn around) from the way you have been serving God, ask for forgivness for the sins you have not stopped doing.
  • Prepare your heart, and mind, to receive the coming of the Saviour.
His message was, simply, one was coming that was to fix all this mess. The Pharisees, (church leaders of that time), were corrupt and leading them astray. Repent of your sins the leaders had failed to warn you of, then prepare to recieve Jesus as your new Lord and lover.
Dear reader, you will be able to spot a Remnant "David" leader by this very same message. He, or she, will be preaching this very message to you. Let us not forget, John the Baptist also did one more thing. He attacked the corrupt leaders of his time. Remember what he said to King Herod, leader of the Jewish nation:
"For Herod had laid hold on John, and bound him, and put him in prison for Herodias' sake, his brother Philip's wife. For John said unto him, It is not lawful for thee to have her."
(Matthew 14: 3-4)
John would attack the Pharisees and Herod, the corrupt leaders, for their sin openly. He never backed off, or cowardly kept quiet, to rebuke them in front of the congregation. Ultimately it cost him his life, but that is the price of a remnant leader. He will be made fun of, talked about and come against by the ruling leaders. And, many times, it will be just one or two voices speaking against the mainstream leaders. They will be just a voice, in a certain geographic location, proclaiming boldly the leaders have failed, it is time to repent and prepare.
let us give you a few points here, to spot a remnant leader, and his message.
  • It will be one of repentance. Sin will be mentioned, and he will preach on it's poison.
  • He or she will be telling you the path of the mainstream church has failed, and will push to bring back the old paths of worship. (Jeremiah 6:16).
  • Living, moving and walking in the Holy Ghost, (Romans 8:1) will be preached. The real Power of God will be put back in the church.
  • He will not be ashamed to preach on the Holy Ghost, the gifts of the spirit, and a return to the spirit's leadership completely.
  • The message will be a return to Jesus Christ as the lover of your soul, He will be come your love, your life, your friend. And to look to him for every need.
  • He or She, will warn you that a great tribulation is coming, not another "revival" like the church has seen before, and to prepare for it by returning to a personal connection with Jesus and the power of the Holy Ghost as the only way to make it through.
By any means this is not exaustive and complete, but enough has been given you to understand. Dear saint, I beg you today to recieve this teaching. You now understand enough of THE MESSAGE to make a choice. You must make a choice. God no longer accepts living in the failed leadership. He will no longer tolerate you trying to listen to the "saul" preacher and the remnant leader at the same time. You must decide, today, to turn from the mainstream denominational leaders of today:
  • Kenneth Copeland
  • John McArthur
  • Joseph Prince
  • Joel Osteen
  • Adrian Rodgers
  • Charles Stanley
  • Josh McDowell
  • Peter Poppoff
These, just to name a few, and their many disciples are the example of the fallen, rebellious leaders of today who have become "Eli" and judged in God's plan. God's man for today will be in showdown against these leaders, condemning them while asking you to repent and prepare. Judgment is coming. The tribulation is coming. The Anti-Christ and his many lying signs and wonders, is coming. To follow these leaders and their message is a one way ticket straight to the lake of fire, (Revelation 19:20 - 20: 10-15). You must choose.
I pray today you make the choice to follow the Remnant. It won't be easy. Jeremiah was persecuted for his stand. So was John, and all the Apostles. Many will mock and condemn you, but remember the words of our Saviour, "Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets." (Luke 6: 21-22).
The choice of the remnant, and its message, is the only way out of your valley. It is the only way to defeat the "Giant" standing in your life. The only way to make it thru the coming tribulation on this earth. The only way to prepare for THE RAPTURE, of the saints and make it into Heaven. Run from the "Saul" ministers. Run from the Pastor and his church that refuses this message. Pray to the God of Heaven, in Jesus' name, to send you to a Remnant body of believers and follow his leadership, now. The Lord is calling, "who is on my side? let him come to me!". I pray you make the right choice today.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Who are these people called, "THE REMNANT?" (THE TRANSITION)


  And the LORD said to Samuel, Behold, In that day I will perform against Eli all things which I have spoken concerning his house: when I begin, I will also make an end. ( 1 Samuel 3:11-14) 
In the last installment of this series, "The Remnant", we laid the foundation of the, "Cycle of the Remnant". We understand that there is always a plan when God's annointed leaders and institiution fail and rebel. That God has prepared a people within a people, to take over and restore the will of God on earth, and judge and wipe out the failed institiution. God has used this many times in the bible as his means of restoring his church, and people, back to the purpose and glory he wants in the earth. It is THE one and ONLY way he uses, when leaders refuse his warnings. In this section, we will explore the stage in the cycle, "The Transition", that you may understand the beginnings of this judgment, and recognize the leaders that will be coming out. Your very eternal life depends, during this time, that you recognize this transition, and who the Remnant leader is speaking out. To follow the wrong leader is to bring certain spiritual death to you.

There are two instances of this transition mentioned in the bible that I will use here to illustrate my point. But of course, the ultimate and perfect transition that there has ever been on this earth was Jesus Christ. Let me interrupt just a moment to Glorify him. Jesus' transition from the old covenant institution, under Moses, to his glorious New Covenant under his leadership is the greatest of all, praise his name! It would take a whole new series of teachings devoted to this topic alone to explain the glory, the benefits, and the power of this, the ultimate transition. Now, let us return to the two main examples to show you what is happening in today's church.
We will start with the first example, in the scriptures given above. This first example is found in the book of 1 Samuel chapter 3. Briefly, we see that the Levite institution set up by God hundreds of years ago in the book of Exodus, has become corrupt, self-centered and lost by this time. The very institution that was set to lead the people and take care of the house of God, was broken. Let me introduce to you Eli the high priest here. Eli was the ruling leader over the house of God and the people at this time. He could trace his family tree all the way back to Aaron, Moses brother, and the first High Priest of the house of God. After the death of Moses and Joshua, it fell on the office of High Priest to fill there shoes. And it didn't take long after the death of Joshua, for these men to become corrupt and evil. God in his wonderful grace, would send prophets and judges to warn and plead to repent and turn back on course. Sadly, we've come to the place now of the final stage.
 A transition was occuring. Let us stop a moment and define the word we are using. Merriam Webster's Dictonary defines the word transition in this way:
1. A passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another.... "change"
 b. a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another.
The word simply stated is what it reads. Here we see Eli and the old high priest leadership, already judged and "done away with" by God, beginning to crumble. And, at the same time, the new leader of the new institution already being called out and coming to life, at the same time! Beloved, do not miss the significance of the moment here. This is a part of the "Cycle of the Remnant" that happens many times. Eli, still alive and in power, even though judged and condemned, is watching before his very eyes the change of leadership occur. And not only that, but the newly annointed leader of this remnant move carries with him the message of judgment on the former leader. This is the way the cycle begins:
  • Old, corrupt and rebellious institution and leaders warned to repent, turn back on course.
  • that leadership fails to repent, God in the mean time has a Remnant leader coming just in case they refuse
  • Remnant leader and "Eli" leader are alive, and together, at the same time in showdown much like Elijah and the Mt. Carmel showdown.
 Now, let me give you the final example of this, the transition. The "Eli" and "Samuel" example serves to show us the transition from one leader to the other exists. And, that this transition occurs with both leaders alive and standing. Sadly, this is not how the transition interacts with each other. We find the example of this with the transition of King Saul and David. Let me stop here and show you a distinction you need to know. Again, it is important that you understand the difference in leaders. Saul is a type of the man-made denominational leader of today. let's take a look at the scripture below:
 "But Saul and the people spared Agag, and the best of the sheep, and of the oxen, and of the fatlings, and the lambs, and all that was good, and would not utterly destroy them: but every thing that was vile and refuse, that they destroyed utterly." (1 Samuel 15:9).
Saul was commanded to destroy Agag, the king of the Amelekites, a very wicked and sinful people. His specific command included sparing nothing, not even the children. But Saul rebelled against God's command and spared the best of the flocks and saved king Agag alive. As you well know, this cost Saul the kingship of Isreal and ultimately complete rejection from the presence of God. As far as we know, today Saul is lifting his eyes up in Hell for his disobedience and compromise to the word of God. Beloved, the same thing is true of the demoninational leaders today. You will tell the difference between the fallen "Saul" preachers and the remnant "David" leaders by the message and lifestyle of compromise.
 The "Saul" ministers will never preach on sin. Never a word is mentioned, in their many "marshmallow" messages of the dangers of sin and to stay away from it. Never a warning comes from the pulpit of these wolves in preachers clothing about holiness, righteousness and devotion of body and soul to the living saviour. Their messages are one that ultimately brings glory and honor to themselves. And, one that is a "Toys for Tots" shopping spree in the kingdom of God that says, "You can have it all now, take it! and worry not of any dangers". The "David" leader's message is diametrically opposed and as different from this as night is to daytime. But we will explore, in detail, the message in the coming chapter. For now, recognize Saul on TV, radio or whatever you are listening and watching for Gospel, and run. Turn from listening to him and don't look back! He is not your leader.
 Let us continue with the transition. I want you to focus on the interaction of Saul and David here. Take a look at the feelings in Saul recorded in the Word of God:
  "And the women answered one another as they played, and said, Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands. And Saul was very wroth, and the saying displeased him; and he said, They have ascribed unto David ten thousands, and to me they have ascribed but thousands: and what can he have more but the kingdom? And Saul eyed David from that day and forward." (1 Samuel 18: 7-9).
  From the day Saul crossed paths with Jesse's son, his motives became darker and more evil. Saul had just enough sense left to know the annionting was gone. And, that it had passed to David. After the great victory against Goliath, proving David was the new leader for God, Saul became jealous and fearful. And it was from this point on, that Saul tried his best to destroy David and his ministry. David and Saul cannot work together! David and Saul's message will never be the same! The "Saul" ministers will mock and speak against "David" leaders and anything they try to say. They will try to stop any podcast, website or preaching that has anything to do with the Remnant leader.
 Dear reader, I pray you understand the importance of your decision now. No compromise can be made between these two leaders to work together. David will always be judgment to Saul and nothing else. David's calling will always be to pronounce judgment on the failing, rebelling institution that call's itself, "the church" today. He will always look outnumbered and small in number. The "Saul" leaders with their daunting authority, although temporary, will be used to mock, ridicule and speak evil of these leaders. These leaders will not be plentious. They will be tucked away in the nooks and creavases of the world in geographical locations by God. And by comparison in every way phsically, they will look like David standing up against Goliath. But I say to you now with the Amen of God, it is only the "David" Remnant leader that carries the power, the word which you must have to make it in these end times.
 Now comes the time to choose precious reader. We have told you of the coming "Cycle of the Remnant". We have explained the warning of Goliath coming. And, we have just explained the "transition" that will occur before your eyes, and how it works. Now comes the time for you to choose whose side you will follow. Will you continue to follow the affluent, self centered, wolf that is the preachers of today? Will you continue, in defiance, to absorb their messages on media, internet and TV, as they proclaim a sinless gospel of get wealth and all you can, now? Or will you seek out, in prayer and the Holy Ghost, a David? One who carries the mandate of God and the power to deliver your soul to Heaven's gates.
 We have shown you how to spot them. They will be the ones proverbially, coming out of the woods dressed in camel's hair, eating locusts and wild honey, proclaiming a radical message of repentance and pulling back to the old paths, (Jeremiah 6:16). I pray the Lord shows you the wisdom of the statement just made, and follow it.
Although much detail is left out here for times sake, enough is given for you to now choose. The transition is beginning. The showdown of the leaders is taking place before your very life. But God, in his grace is allowing you to choose which path, which leader, you will follow. I pray to today you make the choice to be on David's side. It will not be an easy, trouble free, road. But it is the only way out of this world, and into a world everlasting and full of eternal life. Make it your priority to call on Jesus and ask him for a "David" to come into your life. Follow him, and don't look back.


Who are these people called, "THE REMNANT?" (Goliath warning)

And the Philistine said, I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together... (1 Samuel 1:10) 

We must stop a moment and insert a warning here. In this series, "The Remnant", as we expound to you the cycle God uses to judge and redeem a people who will serve him, I must give you this truth. Goliath is coming!

Goliath is coming! And he is coming for you!

You see, God does something very wonderful in the midst of this "cycle of the Remnant". While judging the corrupt, backslidden, manmade institiutions that will not repent, he brings up the remnant leader to take charge. And while these two are in a showdown, if you will, God at the same time is gathering a group of believers who will follow this remnant leader. These often ragtag, misfits of society, hear the message of this remnant leader, and follow him. God, in his infinite wisdom, uses this misfit team as a mighty army in these last days that walk in the power of his resurrection, and not afraid to fellowship in his sufferings.

As this remnant leader and group charge forth, God again orchestrates a plan. Instead of sending this team to preach on TV, Radio or the Internet, he sends them straight to a place called the valley of Elah. As you should know, Elah is the valley in Isreal where King Saul and his army faced off against the Phillistines and the giant Goliath. For forty days, the evil giant taunted, tortured and verbally abused this, God's army, with no response. Let's put it this way, the manmade institution and leader (Saul and his reign) had not the courage, the means, or the answer to defeat the devil's man. It wasn't until David came to the valley that hope had finally showed up! David, now maybe 16 years of age, saw the army of God quivering in fear and at a stand still. This does not sit well with a remnant leader.

Briefly, the Remnant leaders, (The David's) have a call on their life to stand and face the giants in Elah. They are charged with a clarion call that pushes them to the valley, and stand against the Sauls and Goliaths of this world. Dear reader, you must understand this principle, if you follow David, you will face Goliath. If you want to join the last days army, and be on the Rapture ready side, you must face the giant. Goliath, is coming!

Goliath, in this instance, is used by our Lord to do two specific things. One, he is used to judge and destroy the failing, manmade institutions today. You see, Golaith, in essence, will be problems the churches today cannot handle. Situations, problems with perplexity, will arise that these misguided and false leaders will have no answer for. Also, just as the prophets of Baal for Elijah, they will call on God, whom they do not know and have no answer to give, and no power or annointing to help the troubled believer through. To continue to stand with Saul ( today's church), is asking to never leave Elah. You will die in your valley.

Two, the giant also represents the next level for the remnant follower. To the believer who will follow David, Goliath, in essence, is THE THING that you fear the most. He is the thing your afraid to talk to God about in prayer. He is that besetting sin you can't stop, and your afraid you will never be free. He is that thing that whispers, "you know God can do it, but will he do it - for you?". Understand, God wants to build an army in these last days. Gone are the times of "wishy, washy" pew sitters with no relationship to God or any backbone in hard times. God is building a people who are truly free from fear, torment and bondage. They will be a people like the three Hebrew children, not afraid to go through it, and never will they bow to it. This only comes by the power of the Holy Ghost (Romans 8:1). To do this dear reader, you must follow David, and you MUST face the giant. To run away is defeat, and to bow is spiritual death.

Goliath is coming!

You are headed to the valley of Elah!

Saul, (the present day church) has no answers for you!

But, there is good news. God has already annointed the last day leaders to stand and defeat the giant. He will be with you to defeat the giant in your life. You will overcome because our high priest, Jesus Christ, overcame and has all power over every giant the devil could ever throw at you. Now comes the time to put "crazy trust" in God. Now is the time to have "crazy faith" in his promises. What I mean by that statement is this. Now you must put faith in him when it doesn't make sense too. You must make a decision, today, to blindly trust him when your flesh says you should not. Believe the words and instructions God has given this ministry to give you, and follow them. Remember, that day the giant was destined to fall. The rock that smashed his skull in was already planted in the brook, waiting for david to get there. What you need to defeat the giant in you life has already been waiting for you, his name is Jesus. Call on him today and he will answer.

Who are these people called, "THE REMNANT?"


Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah. (Isaiah 1:9)

We here at Cry of the Watchmen ministries have been proclaiming that the last days are upon us. With many infallible proofs, we have shown you that the beginning of the end is near and all things are prepared. Let me stop here and say this, I pray that you are taking heed to these warnings and preparing your heart and relationship with Christ to be ready when He comes. There is only one shot to get in to this thing called "The Rapture", I pray that you do whatever it takes to make it in, and not get left behind.

One of the the evident signs we have shown you is the cycle of the Remnant. God has always used this "cycle of the Remnant" when he has needed to start over. All through the word of God we see, when the ruling body of leaders for God's people had failed, that he had a small seed of people who did not become backslidden, corrupt and rebellious as the leaders had become. They did not turn a deaf, self-centered ear to the cries of the Holy Ghost warnings. They prepared themselves to have, and keep, a heart to love the Lord with all their soul, and follow him all the way, even to death.

The cycle would go something like this. The leaders and religious institution of the time would become corrupt through selfishness. They became greedy for money and fine things. They became drunk with the power and position to command the people, till they became legalistic tyrants. They stopped warning and preaching on sin. Soon, there became no difference in appearance between God's leaders on the earth, and the sinful, lustful kings of the world. This is when the warnings of Judgment began.

These leaders had lost the annointing and the ability to hear the voice of God. So then God would raise up watchmen, a Jeremiah or Elijah, to warn and proclaim repentance. But other than the one instance of the story of Nineveh, (Jonah chapter 3), these leaders would not listen or take heed. Because of this, God would begin to judge and destroy the ruling institution and its leaders. This would be a very depressing situation, if not for this one fact. That is, GOD ALWAYS HAS A SEED! Even before the leadership became corrupt, He had a remnant. Even before the institution became backslidden, selfish and corrupt, He had a remnant. Long before the ruling chuch body lost it's way and ear to hear, God had been building and preparing a people to carry on.

I suggest you read your Bible, dust off it's unused pages and turn to the scriptures I am about to give you as proof, that the cycle I am showing you here is true:

Isaiah 1:9 - 4:3 - 11:16 - 37:4

Jeremiah 6:9 - 23:3 - 31:7

Ezekiel 14:22

Micah 2:12

Zephaniah 2:9

Romans 9:27 - 11:5
These are just few of the many times God had judged a ruling body, or ruling institution of the time, and brought forth the Remnant, and it's leaders, to take center stage and shepherd God's will on the earth. Many times this transition occurs while the judged, broken leadership is still alive. We are NOW headed into that very same era. This is the reason I am writing this teaching to you.

Just as Elijah and the prophets on Mt. Carmel, Jeremiah, and the false prophets of the King, we begin to see two voices crying in the wilderness. Two proclaimations begin to fight each other in a showdown. One is God's word now being spoken through a Remnant leader, while the other is the corrupt, self centered rantings of a lost leadership still looking to hold control of their position and people. You, dear reader, need to know how to recognize what a Remnant and its leader looks like. Because to follow the other will only lead you to gates of Hell.

You, dear reader, must understand that, not only are we living in the last days, but we are watching a transition occur. Before your very eyes, a switch of leadership is happening. The very church institutions that you have grown up with have been judged and declared dead and powerless due to leaders who refuse to repent and turn back to God. Now, therefore, God is raising up voices in the wilderness who look not like the regular "preacher" with a message to, "Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand!". These leaders are proclaiming a message in direct opposition to what you hear in churches, on TV and radio today. They look like they have just been spewed out of the mouth of a whale. They smell like one just coming out of the wilderness with dirty, tattered clothes. And dear reader, God sends these types leaders so that the glory and the excellency of his power will be to his glory only, and no one else.

In this series, "The Remnant", just as we have explained the cycle, we will explore the three other topics to understanding who these people are, and what they have to say. We will explore such topics as:
  • The transition
  • The message
  • The Remnant (who exactly they are)
      I pray you read and study the entire series as we explore the "The Remnant", who they are and what they have to say. Dear reader, your very life depends on the hearing and recieving of this message today.

      Thursday, November 15, 2012


      And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven: And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? (Acts 9: 3-4)

      We now come to the last key in this series. We have been warning you of an unleashing of supernatural fear and terror coming on this earth. This fear being brought on by spirits from Hell, is not something made from man, nor can man’s strength combat against it. And it is coming as part of a last ditch effort by Satan to destroy as much of the bride of Christ as he can, in these last days.

      In our scripture today, we see another example of fear and terror, but this one is the good kind. Saul of Tarsus was on his way to Damascus, with letters from the religious leaders in Jerusalem, giving him authority to destroy this new extremist group called Christians. En route to the city, a sudden burst of light knocks him off his horse to the ground, and there he has his first encounter with the one he was trying to destroy, Jesus Christ. In trembling fear he calls out to the Lord, and receives what we can call; HIS OWN PERSONAL WORD from the Creator of the Universe.

      By now you should know I am talking about the conversion of Paul the Apostle. And if you are a follower of his life and teachings, you also know Paul never got over that Damascus road experience. It changed his life, even to the point of changing his name, forever. In all his epistles, this event is there, whether lurking behind the scenes, or in plain language, that personal experience with Christ not only changed him, at that point in his life, it also drove him forward everyday thereafter. It motivated him to endure shipwrecks, snakebites, beatings and caused him to preach Christ all over the known world of the time.

      Beloved, this is the prime example of the difference in the “personal word” from God we have been begging you to get, and some word from a Pastor, book or televangelist. This “personal word” is not the same word you got 20 years ago, that you have been holding on to like an exhibit in a museum. That word doesn’t move you anymore. The word from God we are talking about wakes you up in the middle of the night, driving you forward thru the day, causing you to sleep thinking about God, living thru the day like he could come at any minute. This word not only strengthens you in trials and troubles, but propels you thru them because your spirit is strong and your heart burns to pursue him like a thirsty deer looking for water.

      Again, this word is just for you, personalized from Jesus Christ because you have been in prayer receiving it in his presence. It is not a random promise you pulled from the Bible because you like that one. It is a word from God himself to you. And it is made up of God speaking to your soul like this; “(insert your name here) – be strong and of a good courage, I am with thee - (insert your name here), I will not fail thee nor forsake thee”. God is alive and well, and he still speaks today. He speaks thru his word and directly into your soul with a still small voice by the power of the Holy Ghost.

      Can you honestly say, today, you carry such a word in your soul? Does it drive you forward to pursue God every day, no matter what comes your way? Dear saint, please, no cost is too great to seek God for this “personal word”. It is the only thing that will save your soul and your sanity from the sudden (supernatural) terror that is coming.