Friday, August 24, 2012


"....The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."  (James 5:16)

We will not focus on the other half of weapon number one today, prayer. In the last lesson we showed the power and application of the first half of this weapon, Praise and worship. Don't forget that these two weapons go together and cannot be seperated from each other. You must be using both together and not focus on having one more healthy than the other. All these weapons, PRAISE AND PRAYER - PRECEPT go together and work together. Let us begin breaking the weapon of PRAYER down now.

First let me say this, there are hundreds of books and teaching on prayer today. You cannot walk into a bookstore without a huge section devoted to the subject. Preachers have preached many sermons on this weapon. I'm sure you've heard at least one sermon this month on this topic. I don't want to get into the hundreds of aspects and benefits and the do's and don'ts of praying here. What we will learn are the points contained in our scripture reference above, all you need to know is contained in this verse, to begin.

Point one, let's take a note that James is talking about a man who is praying, every day. It escapes me to understand how we can call ourselves a christian, the bride of Christ, and not take time to talk to our husband, God. How long, in a marriage, do you think would last if the man and woman never spoke to each other? My friend, it would soon crumble to the divorce court! Without talking to each other there would be no connection built. They wouldn't know what each other like or disliked, loved or not loved, or even if they were compatable for a lifetime relationship. Most important, without communicating their love for each other, how would they know they ever cared? Beloved, just having love for someone is god, but not enough! It takes communicating this love verbally, physically showed in some way, or it is useless.

So without daily communion with the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, how do you know they love you? How will He know you love him? How will you know God's heart? What he wants and thinks about himself, and about you? How will you recieve the things you need, problems you need solved, if you never spend quality time with God? I will say it again, this one on one time I speak of builds the relationship connection that will give you the power to stand in these last days. You will not make it without your own one on one relationship with God. The one your mother had will not cover you. The one your Pastor has will not save you. It must be you and him getting to know each other that will give you the faith, the trust, the power to stand in this evil day. NOTHING LESS WILL DO.

I must move on, but i will say this to finish this point. When I speak of quality time I do not mean the two minutes it takes to thank God for your dinner tonite. I do not mean the quick "grab him and go" prayer you give him when you run into trouble. Those things do not, and never will, build the intimate personal connection I speak of.

James is speaking ohere of a man, no matter what the cost, that is making time every day to spend time with God alone. Think of Daniel. He was a man who was busy every day running a country, and on the board of advisors to kings, and still made time to pray to God three (3) times a day to God! Imagine what would happen if we took our lunch time at work and gave it to God in prayer! Imagine what would happen if we sacrificed the time we preserve to make sure we don't miss that hour long TV show each week, and gave it to God in prayer! Yes, it will cost you, turning off the cell phone, giving up all that time on facebook, and getting away from the aimless time spent with family and friends to do this. You might even have to jump into your walk-in closet at home and shutting the door to get alone, but it is well worth it!

Beloved, the benefits will always outweigh anything you must sacrifice to spend time in prayer. James in essence is telling us one who is praying, everyday, one on one with God, FERVENTLY (that means with all your heart and strength) will avail much! Let me break that down for you.

He or she will AVAIL (produce) this:
  • Hear the voice of GOD almighty ( imagine that!)
  • Destroy fear, depression, worry and anxiety
  • Protect themselves and loved ones from danger and harm
  • SEE MIRACLES! (imagine that one!)
  • See your church and leaders preach with power and annointing, and have his presence in your service for a change.
I could go on and on with the benefits here. But I will stop with the greatest one of all. It will cause you to fall in love with Jesus, like you never have before. As the presence of the Holy Ghost overwhelms you in love, and you allow time for your Father to speak to you, and the tears flow and your hands shake under the power of his love, and he whispers sweet peace to your soul and loves you like only a father can. I think once you get into this presence in prayer, you won't have to be prodded anymore to go and pray. You will be running with giddy anticipation every day to get into the lap of your heavenly father.

I close with this. Prayer is a weapon. It destroys enemy strongholds, casts out devils, heals the sick, raises the dead and delivers anyone from anything on earth. But most of all, it builds an connection with a holy god that causes you to become one, in love, knowing each other personally and intimately. Believe me, when he comes back again to gather his own, he will not forget those who  have entered his bedchamber in prayer and have a personal, intimate, first name basis connection with him.

Beloved, find time with God. Make time, every day, for your lover, your master, your lord Jesus. If it takes literally going into a closet and shutting the door to get alone, do it. He promises what we pray, alone with him, he will reward with his presence being there. Give him time to speak back to you! Don't rush off once you have finished talking. I promise you will see your life change, wonderous things happen when you begin to pray. I challenge you, take this time and try God, and see just how wonderful God is, alone with you.

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