Monday, August 20, 2012


By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. (Hebrews 13:15)

I find a lot Christians have a problem with worshipping God, when there is no reason to worship him. We have been conditioned by preachers and man-made denominations that the only right time to worship God is when the preacher says it okay in service, and how to worship by your local denominational rules.

We have been robbed and raped, by these rules and misguided preachers, from a key to entering into the presence and power of a living God. It is those who do not wait on a “right time”, or a goose bump feeling to praise God that enter into a fellowship and strength others miss out on, and ultimately loose faith in their trials.

It was easy for the children of Israel to praise God at the Red Sea, after they crossed over, after pharaoh’s army had drowned, after they crossed safely to the other side, then they sang a song of deliverance. Beloved, those are not true worshippers. Shortly after such great deliverance, because their worship was feeling based, they began to curse God and Moses at the waters of Mariah, 3 days later!

What Satan does not want you to know is this..... Praise and Worship of God, in your prayer time at home, thru the week, at your church enters you into the very presence God! This where you will find answers to your problems, deliverance from Satan, healing for your body, salvation for your loved ones and friends. The key to everything you need is in his presence, and true worship comes from your heart, whether in a song or by the words of your mouth, one on one with God. Whether you do it by tears or lifting of hands, whatever it is a physical act. I encourage you today, make up your mind to begin your prayers with worship, everday thru the week, not just on Sunday. And, don't let a preacher, a denomination or anything stop you from worshipping God. Start now, your key to what you need is there.

Make up your mind today, not to give God praise when you feel a big moving of the spirit, or when the preacher says so. Make up your mind to begin now to praise God because he is, and he is worthy. Lean not to your understanding, look not at your trial and trouble, and begin to praise God now. You will find he will come to you, and you will see his salvation and comfort, in the praise!

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