Monday, October 3, 2011


"Seek the Lord, while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near." - Isaiah 55:6.

We hear thru our lives by many preachers and pastors, "Just pray, God will always be right there to hear you". And even in this ministry at Watchmen of the Wall, you will hear us beg and plead for you to reach out to God in prayer, we will say please pray because God is waiting to hear from you. But, I believe Isaiah to be a prophet who fortold many future events. This particular scripture holds a key you won't hear many preachers talk about, because it's just to bad, to horrible to imagine. It goes against every doctrine preached by TV evangelists, major denominations and maybe your local pastor.

But as a Watchman I must cry out a truth; THERE IS COMING A DAY GOD WILL BE GONE!

Every word in the Bible, if you believe it to be God's inspired word, is not an idle word placed there to take up space, or link one good thought to another, it has a meaning. And Isaiah here places a prophetic "time will come" situation on this scripture. Preachers will say "seek the Lord" and forget the stipulation, "while he may be found". This tells us a warning, there is coming a time when God will no longer wink at our sin we refuse to repent of, put up with our unbelief in his word, grieve the Holy Spirit every day by telling him we don't need him in our church, running our lives. I must forewarn you, whether your grandpa preacher told you this, whether mother said it's impossible, God's grace and mercy has a limit! And it is soon running out.

Time will not let me get into the many examples of God proving this statement: from Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah ( Genesis 19:24) , Noah and the great flood (Genesis 7:15) , Moses and the children of Isreal (Exodus 32:10) , and many more tell us there comes a time when God says, "Enough" , they no longer care about my word, respect my spirit or the sacrifice of my son, the thoughts and intents of their heart is only evil continually", and I must tell you in Love, this time is almost upon us again. The difference is, this time it will be forever.
I bring this to the warning I want to make to you. The prophet Amos warns us of what is coming just around the corner. Chapter 5 and verse 18 of this book gives us a glimpse into the future of what will happen to the children of this earth who wait to long, put off till tomorrow, what you must do now! Amos declares; "Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord! to what end is it for you? the day of the Lord is darkness, and not light". What he is saying here is there is coming a day when God will turn to his son Jesus, tell him to get his children who recieved him, and when those who have made and kept their self ready are gone, the God of light and mercy turns into the God of darkness and wrath. The sun turns black, the moon turns the color of blood, stars falling from the heavens, men trying to commit suicide to escape, only to be able to not kill themselves. The earth rocking a reeling under the full weight of God's divine justice on the sins of the men and women who shook their fist in God's face before, not wanting to seek him, or have him in their lives.
When God says it is done, their will be no crying out to him for a second chance, no more running to a church altar to pray, " I'm sorry God, forgive me for what I've done, I didn't mean to hurt you or your spirit" No. When God shut the door on Noah's ark, it was over, when he took Lot and his family out of Sodom, it was over, when the 5 foolish virgins waited till the bridegroom came, the other 5 went in, for them it was over (Matthew 25:10). Grace is gone, the Holy Ghost that you pushed aside and kicked out of your life is gone. You will be hopeless.
This terrible day is coming, it is almost upon us, but thanks be to God it is not happening right now! You still have time. The Bible says, right now, call upon him while he is near, seek him right now and you will find him, knock on his door in prayer, right now, and he will open. Whatever thing you are clinging to that is keeping you from seeking God with all your heart, LET IT GO!
Don't believe Satan's lies! That beautiful woman at work, that doesn't belong to you will send you to Hell, the money you are destroying others to get will send you to Hell, the wife and children you are leaving behind so you can keep up your drug and alcohol habit will send you to Hell.

Beloved, I beg you again, whether you profess to be a child of God, or you know you are not in fellowship with him, Seek God now! while he will listen to your prayer and help you. Forsake the weights ( worries and fears) and sins that so easily stop you from seeking God with all your heart. Go after him like a thirsty deer panting for a drink of cool water, go after him like he is the precious expensive coin you have lost somewhere in the store, and you will find him. And the only way you will seek and find God is thru his son, Jesus Christ. But do it now! don't put it off another second! Don't be caught in the day he laughs at your calamity.

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