Tuesday, October 4, 2011


"Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all." - John 18:38

Look at our scripture reference today. Imagine the scene before you. Jesus, already having been beaten by the Jews, is brought before the Roman governor of Israel. At this time, Rome had conquered much of the Mediterranean, including Israel and Egypt. The Jews, not wanting to defile themselves so close to Passover, brought Jesus to Pontius Pilate to be put to death, not for the miracles he did, or the things he taught the people, but because he claimed to be the only Begotten of God, making himself equal with God the father.
Did you hear catch that? The reason Jesus was put to death, officially on the books, was his statement, “I and the father (God) are one!”(John 5:18).This made the Jews scream in agony, rent their clothes, and cry blasphemy. How dare a man claim God is his birth father. And to these Jews, who were spiritually dead inside, they were being asked to worship an image, something that would break the first commandment given by God in the old testament. But what they missed in their deadness inside is this; they were not asked to worship a man, a mere mortal born of the line of Adam, they were asked to worship God in the Flesh! Therefore, the first commandment is never broken, because the commandment maker is before you, wrapped in flesh. In our reference here, Pilate never gets his answer to “what is truth?”, because he asked the wrong question. It is not, what is truth?, but, WHO is truth?
Today, many cults and world religions claim they are like Christians. “we are brothers with you”, they say. They take some of the doctrines of Christianity and incorporate it into their false religion even. But beloved, these people are poison to your soul, wolves in sheep’s clothing, only able to give you lies and false doctrine, damning your soul to Hell in the end. Jesus Christ is not in a thousand miles from their places of worship, nor at the heart of their worship services. And these false cults are everywhere, on TV commercials, in your neighborhood, passing themselves off as workers of Jesus, but are disciples of Satan himself.
Let me give you just a small list of the people who claim to be Christian, but are people to stay away from:
· The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints (the Mormons)
· The Jehovah’s Witnesses
· Masons and the Masonic Lodge
· Catholic religions (specifically the worship of people; i.e. Mary – and the belief in purgatory (the ability to buy or pray someone out of Hell)
· Islam and Muslim faiths – (specifically the worship of Mohammad as final authority over Jesus Christ)
Notice that I didn’t include such ludicrous religions as Satanism, Buddhism, Witchcraft and the many other religions that preach their own prophets and gods that are specific to their religion. These crazy cults are not a threat to a real Christian. To the worshipper of Jesus, you can see these false doctrines coming from miles away. But I did include the religions that are dangerous, that claim Jesus as their religion, but are far from him being the leader of their faith. In essence, they have just enough truth, mixed with lie, to make you believe they are ok, and snare you in their trap. Don’t believe their lies, don’t go to their churches, don’t even let them in your homes! Do just what the Bible says, stay away from them and don’t even bid them Godspeed when you come in contact.
Without getting into the specifics of what is wrong with them, I shall make this short and sweet for you. The one test you need to perform to make sure any church, any religion, is not like one of the above is this in two simple questions:
If the answer to these questions is any other than yes, run! Flee from them and their place of worship! Run like Lot and his family from Sodom and Gomorrah and don’t look back!
I give you a warning from the Spirit of God. There is coming a wave of false cults and religions on the earth. And they are coming with all their disciples to your door, to your work, on your TV and radio and they will be promoting that they are your friend, they are the way to heaven and they have all the answers to your problems. They will talk with Christian talk, they will make you feel that they are ok, and that they will help you. This wave is part of the end, Satan knows his time is short and he will be sending these people out to deceive and destroy you, and take as many to Hell as he can with him. I warn you now, as this time is upon us, RIGHT NOW.
Beloved, don’t believe the lies. Test their spirit, test their doctrine, ask them the hard questions above, if they are not true Christianity, they will not be able to give you a straight “yes this what we believe”. There is no help in a Mormon church, in a Jehovah’s Witness, or in the good works of the mason lodge or a Catholic priest. Your only answer, your only way to heaven, your only truth and help is in one person alone……JESUS CHRIST, EMMANUEL (GOD WITH US). He is the only “truth” and the only way. And only trust those who proclaim this truth.

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