Monday, November 16, 2009


And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. (Joshua 24:15)

There are precedents all over scripture where when the laws of the land conflict with the law of God, the people chose the law of God. Joshua, in our reference, made a stand with the people that no matter what happened, and who came in his path, he would follow what God has told him to do.

Daniel, the beloved prophet, made a stand when the king asked him to eat unclean food God said not to touch. He told the jailers to just feed him beans and water and watch us grow stronger and fatter than those eating the king’s meat. By doing this, God blessed Daniel and his friends beyond measure. My statement to you today is this; when the government, kings and leaders ask you to break a law and sin against God with their laws and decree, you are commanded to follow God first, no one else.

I must tell you, we have in leadership today people who do not care about keeping the laws of God. President Obama has already stated in many speeches he does not agree with the God of the Christian Bible, nor will he let it govern his actions. President Obama’s policies and laws have an agenda behind them that are going to make you, Christian, choose who you will serve, because his socialistic policies will go directly against what God has said to do and not to do. Mark my words, he is not your Christian friend.

We are to obey the laws of the land as good Christians, UNTIL they go against the word of God, then we have no obligation. The election is over. It is too late now to “cry over split milk” and try to do something against this socialistic, unchristian government. The people made their choice, just like they did with Saul in the Bible (read the book of Samuel). But you Christian, you have a duty to say to Mr. Obama, and his government, NO! I will not stand with you on these issues God said is wrong and sin! I will not say yes because you, Mr. Obama say it is okay. God will be my final judge!

Pray for your leaders, but you must take a stand against them when they are asking you to sin. Remember, there is a God above who is watching which side you take. If you don’t believe this to be true, I suggest you read “FOXE’S BOOK OF CHRISTIAN MARTYRS” and find out for yourself, many people have had to take a stand against corrupt and evil governments and leaders, at the price of their lives. Let us be like Joshua, and make a stand that we and our house are going to serve the Lord.

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