Tuesday, November 17, 2009


It is time we as Christians take a stand.

The time to back down when our leaders and governments tell us to do something that is against God's word - is over.

We are to turn the other cheek when we are persecuted, tried for our faith, when witnessing to a lost and backslidden world. But when Presidents and Congressmen and even Church leaders tell us to sin, to break God's rules, turning the other cheek is not an option.

Or would you rather sin against God because President Obama says it's ok.

The time is coming - VERY SOON - when our government and leaders are going to pass laws that will destroy Christian freedoms in this country.

You will be forced to accept or stand against ------

Sex outside of Marriage
Other cults and religions as other ways to get to Heaven

And many more issues that the Bible clearly says is wrong. Beloved, if God says these and other things are SIN and not to even fellowship with people who do them, do you honestly think he is going to "wink" at your lack of backbone when you can't tell your leaders and others, "NO, I pray for the people caught in those sins, but they are wrong, they will send you to Hell, and I can't accept these things as okay"!

You must prepare to take a stand. I am not talking about joining a picket line or signing your name to a petition. I am talking about standing like Daniel in the lion's den, like the 3 Hebrew boys at the furnace, and Joshua infront of a wicked people. Take a stand, and I promise their will be the God of Heaven standing beside you.

It is most important that you stand, your very walk with God to Heaven depends on it.

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