Friday, September 4, 2009


Truth number #1: We have been raped of the Presence of God - “And he said unto him; if thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence.” (Exodus 33:15).

Why was the presence of God so vital to Moses?

Satan knew that in God’s presence is fullness of joy…peace…righteousness. In his presence is the power to cast out devils, heal the sick, raise the dead, and preach the Gospel with conviction. Satan’s hybrid truth (lie) was very subtle. Somewhere down the line he caused us to stop pursuing God’s presence through prayer and fasting - like a thirsty deer, searching for water. Sadly, we have replaced seeking God’s presence with seeking God’s provision. Instead of seeking God’s face, we are seeking God’s hand.

Chapter 21 in the Gospel of John records that, after the resurrection of Jesus, Peter decides to go fishing. He and the disciples then spent the entire night at sea without catching any fish. The morning of the next day, Jesus appears on the sea bank and asked if the men had caught any fish. The disciples were still at sea and not aware that it was Jesus who spoke to them. Jesus then instructs them to, “Cast your net on the right side of the ship, and you will find.” The nets were filled to the breaking point with fish. The Lord had over and abundantly met and provided what Peter had so diligently sought for all night. But, upon realizing it was the Lord, Peter decided he would rather be with the Provider than to remain with the provision. He dives into the water, swims to Jesus, and when he arrives on the shore; his reward is not only Jesus, but fish, cleaned, cooked, and ready to eat as well.

The key principle we have lost down through the ages is this - when your true motivation for seeking God is that you may know him more intimately each day than you did the day before, you not only gain the provider, but the provision as well - “But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Luke 12: 29-31).
Turn on the TV today, and you will see many false preachers proclaiming a false gospel of prosperity, where the goal is the provision. When you set your heart on focusing on the blessings of God, instead of wanting his presence and loving him, your motive becomes selfish and self-centered. Your gospel then becomes one where God ministers to you as opposed to you ministering to him.

Satan has raped this truth from the body of Christ. He knows that the presence of God is all we truly need.

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