Tuesday, September 1, 2009


For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. (MATTHEW 6: 14-15)

We have put so much emphasis on the “big sins” in church today. We make sure we preach on adultery, fornication (the sex sins), stealing, etc. We are quick to judge such a one a fallen brother and a bad person. But recently, the Spirit of God has begun to show me, even in my own life, how we have committed a crime much worse than these. I am going to make a bold statement here: I SEE MORE PEOPLE MISSING OUT ON HEAVEN BECAUSE OF THIS SIN, THAN ANY OTHER MENTIONED IN THE BIBLE!

Yes, there will be forgiven adulterers, fornicators, prostitutes, cheaters, liars, and such the like in Heaven. But those who hate their brother, those who hold grudges or contempt for any reason, and do not repent of it, will not see the light of heaven hit their face! Read our scripture reference today, and many others to numerous to put in this devotional, that teach us hatred or variance against anyone, for any reason, will not be forgiven of God. And trust me my friend, if you are not forgiven, you are not going to heaven. This is one of the biggest traps Satan makes for the church.

He knows God does not excuse us holding any kind of anger, hatred, or unforgiveness for anybody. There is no excuse, or issue that qualifies to God for us holding anger, hatred for anyone. And preachers don’t preach on the danger if doing this anymore. I ask you, is there any wrong someone has done to you, that is worth missing heaven for? That is exactly what will happen if you hold on to it, unrepentant to God for it. Get rid of it now, forgive that person, ask God to forgive you of the hatred in your heart, right now.

Toward the end, the Bible teaches the love toward one another will wax cold. People will begin to hate one another so bad, even the common courtesies we all do to help each other will stop. It will become a constant barrage of things that will hurt and offend you. Satan will try his best to plant the seed of hatred, unforgiveness and anger toward all humanity. I beg you, nothing is worth missing heaven over, no offense, no wrong done to you. Forgive others, and when you need forgiveness, it will be given to you. Show Satan you will not be controlled by him, forgive and love one another.

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