Thursday, July 23, 2009


I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
-Isaiah 6:8

YEARS ago I attended the funeral of Ralph Callahan, a man who at age 93 had been the oldest working journalist in my state, Alabama. Because of his senior status, Ralph liked to say that he had a "license to reminisce." He was especially grateful to still be involved in a profession that he loved. The minister at the funeral talked about Ralph's zest for living, saying that life for Ralph was never a spectator sport. He was a player.

When I joined my church, I asked myself, Will I be a player or a spectator? "Here am I. Send me," we read in Isaiah. But saying yes to a call to discipleship can be hard, especially if it takes us out of our comfort zone. Saying no is easy. I wonder, What if God said no to us as many times as we say no to God?

Saying yes to God and being active in God's work helps us grow spiritually. This doesn't necessarily mean being seen and heard. All of us can serve in quiet and humble ways known only to God. We have many opportunities to do so. Discipleship means being a servant and, as Jesus showed us, putting others ahead of ourselves.

I'm trying to respond when I hear God's call. It's hard sometimes, heeding God's voice. But when we do we receive great blessings.

Ed Williams (Alabama, USA)

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