Monday, July 20, 2009


When I look at your heavens ... the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?
-Psalm 8:3-4

"DO you ever think we'll put a man on the moon?" In my youth, the answer to that question was usually, "I doubt it." But 40 years ago today, I joined millions around the world who watched Neil Armstrong step onto the lunar surface. Not long ago I gazed into the heavens and watched a streak of light track across the night sky, light from a space station where astronauts orbit miles above the earth. Space is no longer beyond our reach.

The exploration of space has confirmed for us the vastness of our solar system and the universe beyond. I may never travel in space, and certainly I won't be able to reach its limits. Yet every day I can enjoy first-hand closeness with the omnipotent God who spoke all this into existence. The psalmist, who could only imagine what existed beyond the visible heavens, was certain about what existed in the heart of the God who created them: love and concern for humankind. And the psalmist was awed by the concept, as we should be.

Even if I were able to travel past the farthest star, I know that journey could never take me beyond the love and care of God. To me, that truth is more astounding than the vastness of space.

Richard L. Mabry (Texas, USA)

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