Monday, October 10, 2011


"Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of [this] life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier." - 2 Timothy 2:3&4.

During World War II, as Hitler began his march across Europe, to control the people in the army, and the civilians in Germany, he used a very time tested and powerful technique. Hitler would begin each week dropping what was called “propaganda bombs” thruout the land. These missiles would be delivered like regular live bombs; but instead of exploding charges, inside were hundreds of letters. These letters contained lies and false information aimed at making the people believe they were going to win the war and take over the world. Also, they would contain lies about how evil and wicked Americans, Britians, Russians and any enemy poised against Hitler’s agenda were.
At first, one could imagine the people standing in wonder; “What is this?” and, “Is this stuff really true"? Maybe they even tried to check the newspapers and radio broadcasts to determine if what the papers stated was real. But Hitler, in his evil intelligence, knew that for the propaganda to work, he had to control all the FLOW OF INFORMATION. Now with his “propaganda bombs” plus controlling all the media, slowly the people began to accept what they were hearing as truth. Eventually, not only did they accept it as truth, but they became disciples of Hitler’s agenda. They joined the army to kill the “evil Americans”. They worked in factories to build weapons, taught their children that what Hitler was doing and saying was the gospel and he was their savior. Slowly, they were lulled to sleep into believing that what they were hearing and seeing was the war; but in reality, the REAL WAR was going on around them and they never knew the truth or what was trully happening. Finally one day the “evil Americans” invaded, and truly set the people free from the real evil of Adolf Hitler.
Beloved, do you realize what is happening around you? We are in a real war to the death. This a war between God and Satan and YOU are the battlefield. At the beginning, the church was on fire with this truth. After Jesus ascended to Heaven, the once clueless disciples were endued with power (Weapons) from the Holy Ghost and transformed into Apostles to fight this war. With these weapons from the Holy Ghost called the spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12), these men turned the known world upside down. But don’t think for a moment that they didn’t have any opposition. These men were beaten to bloody pulps, left for dead, snake bitten, thrown into the sea, crucified, beheaded for the cause of the truth that they preached. They had a enemy called SATAN, let that be stated one more time, an enemy called SATAN, and his army of demons, that were and still are real today, and wanted these men and their message stopped at all costs. Satan, knowing that persecution only makes the cause of the people grow stronger, stopped his all out physical attacks for a much better plan. One that has proved today to have worked.
As drops of water dripping on a rock that slowly over time breaks that rock down to pebbles, Satan began to take control of the flow of information after the Apostles died out. Little by little, thru the ages, he slipped in his little propaganda bombs of lies mixed with truth, setting in false prophets and preachers who looked and talked like the real deal, but had doctrines and false truths that poisoned the church and the people that the Apostles built. Oh, at first, like the German people, we bucked up on this assault. People like Martin Luther, Smith Wigglesworth, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Lester Sumerall, and David Wilkerson cried out at the poison doctrine and preachers that were trying to destroy what God was building. But over time, these men and women of God were silenced by the voices of television, movies, and radio. Preachers, that were either false from the beginning, or had been seduced to the dark side, began bringing “new” doctrines of self reliance, humanism, and twisted theology that God was some “Grandfather” who like a genie, winked at your sin and if you rubbed him right would grant you any request. And now the damage has been done.
Now, sinners come to church and leave out laughing at how, they once again, left untouched by a powerless message, not birthed out of a prayer closet with God, but of some minister’s book of sermons. We no longer can lay hands on the sick, bound, oppressed and possessed and see the wheel chairs, crutches and demons pile up in the trash corner; but only watch as Satan laughs at or jiggling and wiggling, while we hide the pet sins that are killing our power and anointing. We want to jump and dance under the “power” at church, while thru the week we run our brother and sister down with our mouths and even stab them in the back; as long as we don't get caught at it. Jesus said, "Pastor, preacher and congregation member, if you say you love me, and hate your brother in any way, you are a liar and the spirit of God is not in you!" (1 John 4:20).

And then it works its final longer can you hear, see or recognize that you are on a Hell bound journey that is pumping you full of lies, false doctrine, hybrid truths (that’s lies mixed with just enough truth to fool you). You feel everything is ok, you and God are in good standing. Just like a drunkard who can feel no pain, you are on a HIGH that has been coming from the enemy to fool you into thinking' “I don’t need to check myself. I am ok with God”. Satan will tell you, "Its ok”...while you watch that pornography on HBO and the internet....while you cheat on your spouse...while you put that drug needle in your arm...while you listen to that false preacher on TV and radio tell you, "Its all about you, you can command the blessing, you will always be saved and can never backslide into hell", or "I must get wealth to be a child of the king".
We have been bitten by the snake.

The snake of self reliance, of religious humanism, of eternal security and of how good you are. There are some of you out there who think you are running this race better than Paul the Apostle. You have a squeaky clean track record. You say, “ I have not committed murder, adultery or been bound by drugs or alcohol”. But reader, are you guilty of harboring faithlessness to God, anger at God for something you feel he failed you on, or pride in how good you have ran this race without doing the “big sins”. SIN IS SIN my dear reader. God hates the pride in your achievements as bad as if you pulled a trigger on a little baby. There are also some who think right now, “I don’t have to worry about any of this, the Blood of Jesus protects me from any punishment from God”. Reader, if you have been truly saved, and are guilty of any of these, or doing nothing for the Kingdom of God, these scriptures are for you:
"For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame." - Hebrews 6:4-6.
If you are guilty, and have not repented (that means pray for forgiveness AND turn away from doing it again), then the blood of Jesus is not present in your life right now to save you. This is war. Satan has dropped the bomb on all of us. And it is time, right now, before it is to late, to repent! Cry out to God in tears and turn from our wicked way. Some of you haven’t shed a tear in prayer since the day you were saved, or not at all. There is a word from the Lord for everyone reading this. And it simply this;
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." - 2 Chronicles 7:14.
What is said today is said in love, for all our sakes. Because God loves you, this word is sent to you today - If you are guilty of this, you are in danger of Hell. God is looking for a bride when he comes - spotless and pure...waiting for his return like an anxious school girl waiting for her new boyfriend to knock on the door. He is not looking for a whore, who has slept with everyone (someone, caught up in what has been mentioned here today)...who is dirty, unclean, and doesn’t care to change. God is calling you to check yourself, against this word, and repent now! Jesus is on his way to gather his bride and soon the door will be shut forever to repent and get ready. There is a war that is raging right now. Don’t become a P.O.W, or choose to stay M.I.A. 

Repent and fight till the death.

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