Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I am concerned for the body of Christ. As I look into God's word and ponder on the coming Tribulation and Second Coming of Christ, which is just around the corner, I become concerned at what I see.

Multitudes are not ready to meet the coming persecution that must baptize the church with fire, and make her ready for the return of Christ. You may say; "I am ready, I have been saved for years", are you? Do you truly believe the arrogance that it takes to say such a thing? Then, if you truly are, I applaud your victory in freeing yourself from the besetting sin, the thing that you had in your life that kept you in continual rebellion against God's word and his Holy Spirit.

Now, I hear some readers replying in their mind,"I didn't say that, we all sin daily", do you? If you are, then stop it! NOW! You can walk in victory over ALL sin day to day! The benefit of Christ is these promises:

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. (MATTHEW 5:48)

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh (SIN), but after the Spirit. (ROMANS 8:1)

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.(JOHN 8:36)

What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? (ROMANS 6:1-2)

And finally the big one:

Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. (ROMANS 6:12)

Why would God give us these promises that we could walk free from the chains of lust, addiction, pornography, homosexuality, fornication, adultery, Hatred if it were not true? There has been a devilish lie preached in our churches the last one hundred years by ministers of the gospel, telling us we sin every day, and we can't help it. DON'T BELIEVE THE LIE! Yes, the Bible speaks of if we sin, we have an advocate with the father- Christ- but God gave us that in the event of all our efforts to not sin, we fail. He never intended that to be used as an excuse to keep on doing that little sin no one sees you do, that thing you know is wrong but you just can't stop.

God sees what you are doing, every time you do it.

But I come today with a message of hope, not condemnation. We are about to enter the end, this time as we know it is winding down to the return of Christ to this earth. But before we hear the trumpets, we must feel the fire. Before we see him in the sky, we must, the church, go thru a time of persecution and testing such as the world has never seen, nor ever will. And, it is God's love and grace that will allow us this chance to go thru it! You see, no sin, no disobedience will enter into God's heaven. Saved or unsaved, it doesn't matter. In fact, if you have been saved, you really have no excuse when you stand before God with unrepentant, non-turned away from sins and rebellion. We must be made perfect, freed from sin and bondage, without spot or blemish, to make it in. (Read Luke 12:37-47)

I beg you today reader, their is power in the presence of God, power to be free from that thing you think you never will. Power from bondage to the "big sins" as well as things like loneliness, depression, suicide, fear, failure, hopelessness. All it takes is you, making the first step, coming to God, completely honest, and laying them at his feet. Don't leave his presence until you feel the touch from your father, and KNOW you are free. Do it now, to wait till the time of persecution may be to late. You taking action now makes the difference in making it to the promised land, or dying in the wilderness. Your eternal soul depends on it.

1 comment:

  1. So, what about you? Are you sinless, free from all sin, insusceptible to any tug of the flesh, and completely free from all selfish ambition and desire? Is every thought, right down to the most fleeting, submitted to God and in line with God's perfect will? Is every desire, right down to the most minute, in absolute perfect alignment with God's will? You are 100% obedient in every facet of your will? Your life is in complete alignment with God's will?

    If yes, congratulations. You are the first since Christ himself.

    I am not attempting to demonize you. I just find such admonitions to separated living a bit hypocritical when it comes from any living human being, since I am yet to see anyone epitomize true holiness.

    I make no justification for sin, but I would not urge so strongly a need for right living, since it hasn't ever been accomplished by anyone (that I know or have heard of) in the last 2,000 years, including Paul, who worried that he might come up short in the end.

    Such admonitions remove hope from those who struggle with various sins. The balance of a good preacher is when one can preach about a loving and merciful God and the separation he demands without enabling the sinner who insists on staying in his sin, and making the moral goals unobtainable.

    In my honest opinion, you have flirted with the latter in this blog post.

    That's my diagnosis. My prescribed treatment. Lay off teaching adherence to a moral standard, and emphasize adherence to the person of Christ. Do we want Christians who maintain their moral standard by perpetual strenuous effort, or do we want Christians whom adhere to high morals because they are so in love with Christ, and consequently in sync with him, that it comes naturally?

    Just my $.02
