Wednesday, February 24, 2010



We here at Watchmen of the Wall Ministries have been faithfully sharing our heart with you for the last year and a half now. It is hard to believe that we have been on the web that long!

We have been careful to share from our heart what the Lord has been speaking to us, telling us to warn and prepare his beloved bride for his soon return. We hope that these devotionals and blogs have been a blessing to you and encouraging.

This is why we write to you today. If any of these messages have been a blessing, have encouraged you to continue the fight, or maybe there has been something that you have not agreed with, WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU TODAY!

Please, take the time to respond to us today. WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU!
Whether you have positive or negative feedback, we want to hear from you. We ask for no gift offerings or money, we don't need you to send in a love donation so we can send some trinket to you, we just need to hear from you.

Please respond to this E-mail today, and let us know you are out there, reading and praying for us, as we are praying for you.

You can respond by E-mail at:

You can also write to us at: Watchmen of the Wall Ministries
1018 Little Valley Rd.
Blaine, TN 37709

Thank you,
The Watchmen team.

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