Monday, November 9, 2009


And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?
(ACTS 19:15)

There are forces at work in this world that most Christians really don’t understand. Oh, we have thousands of books and materials on “Spiritual Warfare” explaining the 5 steps and 10 ways to beat the devil and kick him around like a WWF wrestler, and with pride proclaim, “I am in command!” How ignorant we are of what really is going on behind the scenes.

Now, before you misunderstand me, Scripture does state we have authority, as children of God, over the enemy, and I firmly teach that. But, what is being taught in our churches as authority, and Biblical authority, is not the same thing. And, I must warn you, if you are playing around with the devil, you put you and your family in jeopardy! Satan is not some cartoon character that we can play around with.

Our scripture reference today proves this. In this story, seven sons of a high priest named Sceva, were out performing “Exorcisms”, you know, those bogus rituals you see on movies by people who have no true authority, to cast out and command demons. These sons thought that the power was in the ritual, a command, a word spoken simply because Jesus said it. Listen to me today, you do not have power over devils and demons because you shout loud sayings from the Bible, scream and chant, that means nothing to Satan. You have power over Satan because you have power with God, because you not only know Jesus, But He (Jesus) knows you by name, his spirit lives and burns in your soul, and you are anointed with his presence. It is his presence plus his word, which gives you authority and protection, it works no other way. You can’t have one without the other.

There are not many forces at work, there are only 2, the force of God, and the forces of evil and these two are at war as we speak over the souls of men and women. Which side are you on? Better yet, which side are you letting control you? If you are not submitting to the will and leadership of the Spirit of God, and his word, in every area of you life, then you are controlled by the other, evil. And let me say this, SATAN AND HIS DEMONS WILL NEVER, EVER BE YOUR FRIEND!

They only want to destroy you. Run to protection today, run to Jesus. Do you feel concerned in some way that you are open to attack? That is your cue from the spirit of God that you need to come closer to Jesus in your life. Let go of that pet sin, stop the rebellion in your life. You cannot defeat Satan; it took a risen Saviour to do that. And you must be in his protection to not end up like the sons of Sceva, beaten and wounded. Run to Jesus now!

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