Wednesday, September 23, 2009


We have been talking about the events of Revelation lately, but I want to focus on an
Aspect of it rarely touched on. Remember, the Bible records it to be the Revelation of Jesus Christ. This is not some man’s revelation, or even a prophet’s, but a vision belonging to Jesus only.

The events swirl around him. Not only do the events foretell about his early life, his earthly life, but they deal with the coming ages after his departure, and what happens to the world and believers because of him. When he came into this world, and accomplished what he did, it forever altered the flow of time and history. We would see a different world and set of future events, much more horrible, than we see now had Jesus not came down into this people planet, and changed the course of history forever. It’s all about him.

You really want to know how to endure the Tribulation? How about just enduring what life brings, and all the troubles we face? It’s all about him. John the revelator made it all about him, because it was his vision, his plan, for the coming ages. It was Jesus that started this plan, it is Jesus who will make sure this plan finishes, and it is Jesus that will carry all who make it about him, thru the tribulation of the world and in our own lives. It is all about Jesus Christ and nothing else. Where we have erred in this last day church, if you can put it all down into one sentence, is we lost focus with Jesus. Instead of him being the center and beginning, he is the afterthought, the by-product, the end result of all our feeble attempts to satisfy God in our own power and good deeds. God accepts nothing but his son. It is his blood that makes us able to stand in a Holy God’s presence and not fall dead like Annaias and Sapphira. Our righteousness is filthy rags, our good deeds no matter how noble, are dirty and wretched before a holy God. What satisfies his Holiness is Jesus alone, nothing else.

A Jesus led, and centered life is what makes God happy and satisfied. All our deeds mean nothing. It is not how many people we lead to the lord, not how many countries we evangelize, not how many radio and TV stations we are on, not how many people hit our website that makes God stand up on his seat and yell, “Good job son”. It is how much you make it all about him, in your life. How much do you look like Jesus? Are you being transformed into the very image and carbon copy of him every day? Is everything you do and say centered on glorifying him and making him smile? We call ourselves disciples, yet we don’t want to do the “discipline” that Jesus asks us to do in our lives. A Christian God is happy with, is a dead Christian. Dead meaning, we no longer live, but Christ, living in and thru us. I ask you, are you dead today? Dead to the world, your wants and desires and alive in Christ, becoming more like him, desiring more of him. If you want to have assurance you will make it thru, become Jesus. I promise you, a life sold out like this will never fail and trial or trouble, they have power and the victory.

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