Thursday, August 20, 2009


I must confess in behalf of all of us that we humans are not as wise as God is. For example, there are men and women forever wishing they might find someone able to predict the future for them. No one can do so with accuracy. Also, we frequently fail to live up to our promises.
But there is no such failure with God. He knows everything that can be known. He is perfect in wisdom. God never has to excuse Himself with a "Well, my intentions were good, but I failed." His ability to deliver on His promises is tied directly to His omnipotence. If God was not omnipotent, He would be unable to keep His promises. He could not give any of us assurance of salvation.

This attribute of God we call omnipotence does not really mean that God can do anything. It means that He is the only Being who can do anything He wills to do. We understand up to a point that God is perfect in love and wisdom, in holiness and strength. Still, it is impossible for us to comprehend what the Lord God means when He says, "I am the holy God." We may, however, come to the understanding that "holy" is the way God is, and that He has made holiness the moral condition necessary to the health of His entire universe.

By A.W. Tozer

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