Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. (Song of Solomon 2:15)

Solomon here was speaking of something else in context, but I want you to think about his statement of “spoiling the vine”. This is such a powerful truth. How is your vine this morning?

He proposed the fact that something small, insignificant, could just as easily kill the precious life giving connection the grapes have to survive. When these grapes are cut off from the main branch or vine, no life giving nutrients can come to keep them living. I believe this can be applied to our Christian walk.

The bible teaches us that it is not the “big” top ten sins that so easily trap us. It is easy to see adultery, fornication, etc. coming at us. Unless you are far away from Jesus, those things are easily avoided. But what about hatred for someone? What about looking at that girl at work when she is in a provocative position? How long has it been since you have prayed till your eyes are filled with tears and your heart is broken? How long has it been since you have been to church and heard God speak to you?

I challenge you, look at your life right now. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you. If you are beginning to feel bad right now, this message is for you. Before it is to late, get back in the vine. You can connect back to the life giving vine (Jesus Christ) while the door is open. There will come a time when the vine will be gone, and all opportunity to repent will be over. I beg you, don’t let Satan’s little foxes spoil your life and walk with God. Turn now, while you still can.

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