Monday, August 10, 2009


The psalmist wrote, "In the day of my trouble I call on you, for you will answer me."
-Psalm 86:7

MY sister has schizoaffective disorder, a chronic mental condition with symptoms of both mood disorder and psychosis. Despite regular medication and follow-up visits to the psychiatrist over the past 30 years, she still experiences periods of extreme mood swings. We as family members have to take care of her, and that has brought us much suffering in her times of trouble.

Over the years, I have come to trust in the Lord completely. When my sister seems out of control, I kneel beside my bed and earnestly pray for the Lord to let the Holy Spirit fill her. Realizing that during these moments of agony no medication can help her any further, I also pray for the Lord's healing power and guidance, to give me wisdom to communicate with her at the right time. Often after a moment my sister calms down, and the outcome of these episodes is usually better than I expect.

As children of God, we are blessed to know that God does hear our prayers. Sometimes we may panic when there is a crisis. However, if we call out in prayer, we will find that God is always there to help us and give us peace.

Doris Yeung

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