Friday, July 31, 2009

The Serious Business of Following Christ

"It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work. If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward." - First Corinthians 3:13b–14.

I am being as frank and as searching as I can possibly be. I know that we lack the courage and the gladness that should mark the committed people of God. And that concerns me. Deep within the human will with which God has endowed us, every Christian holds the key to his or her own spiritual attainment. If he or she will not pay the price of being joyfully led by the Holy Spirit of God, if he or she refuses to hate sin and evil and wrong, our churches might as well be turned into lodges or clubs.

O brother, sister! God has not given up loving us. The Holy Spirit still is God's faithful Spirit. Our Lord Jesus Christ is at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven, representing us there, interceding for us. God is asking us to stand in love and devotion to Him. The day is coming when judgment fire tries every person's work. The hay, wood and stubble of worldly achievement will be consumed. God wants us to know the reward of gold and silver and precious stones.

Following Jesus Christ is serious business. Let us quit being casual about heaven and hell and the judgment to come!

Our stand toward good and evil, as God defines them, influences those around us. Of far greater importance is the revealing test of our work in the day that is coming. Will it survive or be consumed?

Strengthen me, O Lord, to build well on the foundation of Christ. Not to waste opportunities but to use them wisely.

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