Friday, June 5, 2009

Have you broken your box for Him?

“And being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at meat, there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious; and she brake the box, and poured it on his head.” (Mark 14:3)

My goodness, what a picture we see here. How many stories this one passage of scripture could tell. Honestly dear one’s, I admit I was in no mood to write anything down, and I prayed and asked for a “copy and paste” devotional. I came upon the scripture above and I didn't even get to read the devotional that went with it, when I heard that sweet voice speak so gently, “would you deny me?” Immediately my thoughts turned to my own alabaster box, and the price Jesus paid on the cross so that I could break it for Him. (I laughingly said, “you are going to make me do it aren’t you”?) Needless to say, I was in better spirits and more than willing after hearing the voice of my Savior.

Let’s take a look at what is going on here in this scripture. Jesus is sitting down to eat in the house of Simon the leper. This was the "feast" day of the Passover so I’m sure more people are gathered in this place than just your “dinner on a Thursday night” crowd. Then there came a woman through the door. Uninvited to this particular house I’m sure, but if she was invited, she was arriving very late and getting more than just a glance or two. This woman has just interrupted dinner. Not only that, but she’s carrying something that gets quite a bit of attention also. An alabaster box, full of extremely expensive ointment. She wastes no time, gives no introduction, and does not wait for the host to seat her. She has one thing on her mind. Her SAVIOR is in front of her and she has the opportunity to try and give HIM something in return for what he is about to do for her. Jesus made mention that she had “come aforehand to anoint my body for the burying”. She knew exactly what he was about to do for her on the cross of Calvary. Her heart cried out in anguish for Him, but also in praise. So much so that she stepped out of her place and risked shame, and embarrassment, maybe even harassment (from the Pharisees who were watching Jesus’ every move), just to do this one little thing for him.

She breaks the precious box and pours oil onto her Saviors head. I can see her there, tears in her eyes. Joy mingled with sorrow as she anoints the very head of God. Then something unexpected happened. People were getting indignant! They look at her as if she had three heads and marvel at the fact that she has just “wasted” the ointment in the box. “Look what she’s done! That could have been sold for a lot of money and now look where it is, she’s CRAZY!” And indeed she was. Crazy about her Master.

The part I love most about this story is that Jesus was a little indignant himself. Not at her, but at those who troubled her. I’m not sure about you, but I would never want to hear Jesus speak to me like he did to the men that were giving this woman a hard time. “Let her alone, why trouble ye her? She hath wrought a good work on me!” I can see him looking at her with such love, and sitting very still and quite, with a little smile, while she makes a fuss over him. Her actions touched the heart of Jesus. So much that He declared her actions would be written down and remembered as a memorial for HER. And here they are.

Well now. Don’t you know that I feel horrible right about now? I almost let my selfishness and bad mood keep me from breaking my box for him. (Guilt? Party of 1?) But instead I decided after all He’s done for me, chucking my issues was no big deal. And honestly, compared to the cross, anything that He would ask of me is no big deal.

My question to you today brothers and sisters is this. Have you broken your box for him today? Have you made up your mind that despite you situation and circumstance, you are going to take up your cross? I have. I’ve made up my mind today that no matter the cost, I will be crucified with Christ and live! Not I but Christ that lives with in me! I am sure I will pay a great price for doing so sooner or later, but it’s all worth it. I’ll break my box today, and try to touch the heart of the One that loves me so.

Most kind and precious Father, I reach out to you now. I ask forgiveness first for all the opportunities I have missed to break my alabaster box for you. I thank you Father that you sent your only Son to die for me. I am undeserving of it, but so thankful that it will take me a life time in heaven to even come close to telling you how much I love you for it. Help me always, Father, to see the opportunity that I can do something for you. I want to be so close to your heart. Dwell with me today, take not your spirit from me, but draw me ever so close to your tender loving side. In Jesus name.

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