Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Importance of Praise and Worship

Scripture 1) “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.” Psalm 100:4

Scripture 2) “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praise of Israel.” Psalm 22:3

Recently I did a search for a devotional that dealt with praise and worship. I scanned website after website for a word on the praise and worship of God’s people today. What I found was a startling wake up call. I found NOTHING. I was flabbergasted at the fact that even in our devotional time we have gotten away from something most needful if we wish to move the heart of God.

I looked up the definition of “inhabit”. According to Webster it means “to live in as a house or country.” Then I started meditating on why praise was so important to God. Why would it be so important that it would cause the creator of the universe to come and dwell within a few words or a song that I might sing to him? Then it hit me……..well.........God hit me. It’s not about the song. It’s not in the words, or the lifting of the hands. Praise and worship is a place that you go, just like a prayer closet! Wow what an exciting thought! I had never thought about praise and worship like this before. We go into a place in our hearts and minds to truly offer perfect praise unto the Lord, just as if we are going into a prayer closet and shutting the door.

To offer praise unto God requires more than just speaking a few words. Anyone can say “praise the Lord”. I just typed it and it has no meaning what so ever. But when we set our hearts toward God, and go into that deep place of worshiping him, then we have the power to truly touch the heart of God! He wants more from us than just a few words, or a song half sung on Sunday morning. God wants us to love him. He wants genuine love and affection. That is why were not programmed to love him but rather we are given the choice. To choose to praise and worship him just because you love him thrills his heart. Especially when we have no reason to praise him. You may be going through the hottest fiery trial you’ve ever experienced. Lifting your hands and thanking him for your pain and suffering may be the last thing on your mind. But to sacrifice and praise him anyway not only shows him that we love him, but it shows that we trust him. More importantly, it shows him that we have faith in him, and faith is what will move our mountains for us and quench the fires of our trials.

My brothers and sisters, even if it means sacrificing, we need to learn the art of real praise and worship again. We need to put it back into our churches, our prayer meetings, even our devotionals and our daily routines. Praise him because you got up this morning. Praise him because you aren’t hungry. And if you are, praise him because you know you won’t be for long. Can’t think of anything to praise him for? Do it because he sacrificed his only begotten, Jesus Christ for you, and you’ve been forgiven. No matter the situation or circumstance you are in praise him because he is worthy.

Father, I praise you and thank you for this day. Thank you for each and every circumstance and situation I am in because I know that all things work together for good to them that love you and are called according to your purpose. I know that you love me and even with nothing to my name, I am blessed beyond measure. Help me to always remember to worship you, to praise you, even in my hottest trial, for you are in control. In Jesus name.

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