Monday, April 20, 2009


"thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day." (Psalm 91:5)

In past devotionals, we encouraged you that your faith is the key to standing in these last days. Satan is setting loose spirits of fear, worry and doubt. The Bible states Men’s hearts will fail them, for fear of the things that will come on this earth (Luke 21:26). These spirits of fear and worry are supernatural! These spirits of evil WILL cause you to worry and fear. When the stock market crashes, you WILL worry. When you can’t get your medicine anymore, you WILL fear. When you don’t know where your next meal is coming from, you WILL faint with doubt and worry.

Let me emphasize this again. THIS IS A SUPERNATURAL FEAR AND TERROR! This is not the ordinary manmade fear you feel at a good horror movie. It is not one of the many phobias and fears we carry in our mind like the fear of heights. Satan is setting loose the most horrible fear, the kind that makes you feel desolate, hopeless, and worried beyond any ability to cope. The Lord has shown me what kind of terror this is, and friend, without the intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, we have been warning you to get, YOU WILL NOT STAND AGAINST THIS FEAR, WORRY AND TERROR!

This is the beginnings of the end. And this terror is about to be set loose on mankind, as a judgment against their evil deeds and choices against God. It is supernatural. You do not have the strength to fight it. A preacher’s word of encouragement will not help you, you will die with it. A pastor’s book or sermon series will not give you any relief. You will die with it. Words and visions and dreams you have held on to for the last 20 years will crumble before you, as the pressure of this terror becomes so strong. You will die with it in your hands. Imagine the worst terror you have ever experienced, then multiply it by one billion times, do you think you are ready to stand, right now?

But there is hope! There is a way of escape! God is such a wonderful God, that he has made a way to fight against this supernatural fear and terror coming. For those who will listen to us at Watchmen of the, Jesus has shown us the key to standing against this wicked supernatural power. But you must listen to us right now. In the coming devotionals, I will explain the key to standing against this terror, it is the ONLY way to stand, there is no other. Please, be watching for the next devotionals, then you will be equipped to stand against the TERROR that suddenly comes in the night.

1 comment:

  1. I'm intrigued. Usually, when a ministry claims to have the copyright on God's truth, to the ultimate exclusion of all others, I typically write them off pretty quick. But you guys are too smart to make such a mistake, and I doubt you guys are that narcissistic.

    So, I am indeed, all a-twitter with anticipation.
