Thursday, April 16, 2009



We are born with the fallen nature to trust only ourselves. It is evident, not only in the fact of the security features we have surrounded ourselves with, but in how we treat others as well. It is born in us to believe, “trust no one; they are all out to hurt you”. We can’t even trust someone to finish a job for us; we end up doing it because we can’t trust someone to do it the way we want.

And, if we can’t trust the people we see, it is against our fallen nature to trust in one whom we have not seen. But we must destroy this nature in us. It is the enemy of God. Our scripture this morning shows us the trap we are chained too. Even we as Christians are guilty of giving in to this Adam nature. We will do everything in our power to handle a crisis first. We will call out all our resources; we will try all our bag of tricks first. And then when these don’t work, then will we try God as our last resort. I wonder what would happen if we trusted God first? I wonder how that mountain you face would move, if you gave it to God first, and trusted him. Maybe you would have a little more energy at the end of the day.

Here is a treasure for you today; God has what you need already mapped out for you! Before you even ask, before you came into this time of trouble, God had placed way ahead of you, the provision you would need before you entered in this valley! This should make you shout right now. Why did God do that, you may ask? Because he is the one who led you here in the first place. He led Moses to the banks of the Red Sea; he led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted of the Devil. Why does God do such things? He is trying to show us to trust in him, not our powers and devices. He is showing us how faithful and powerful he is to preserve and keep us, not any man or politician.

Beloved, make a conscious decision today to trust God. Not only in the things you can easily give to him, but the things you wouldn’t trust him with before. You are going to need this trust in him in these last days. Trust him for your next meal, paying your next bill, and for your job. Trust him for you family, your health, and your provision. Trust him first; don’t let him be the last thing you trust in. Jesus Christ will always be our present help in time of trouble, stop being a doubting Thomas.

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